One last time

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"Home sweet home." Said Mirabel with me standing next to her and with Alma.
"I like the new foundation."
Three of us looked at the new house of Encanto.
"It isin't perfect." Said Alma but she was smiling at there new home.
"Neither are we." Said Mirabel.
"That's treu." Said Alma.
"Y/n were is Camilo?" Mirabel asked.
"He was busy with something but... oh there he is!" I said smiling and waving at him.
Camilo ran back in a hurry and stood next to me. He was out of breath.
"Why such a hurry mi amore?" I asked laughing.
"I... told .... you.... to... be in.... time..." Camilo said.
Three of us laughed and Camilo smiled. I giggeld and ruffeld his hair.
"Your such a nice sweet boy. I am lucky to have you." I said.
"And I am lucky to have you." Camilo said quickly pecking my lips.
He then saw the new house and his eyes lights up.
"Oh the new house! It's beautifull!" He gasped.
I took his arm arm rested my head on his shoulder.
"Your new home."
"Our new home." Corrected Camilo.

"Just one more thing before the celebration." Said Alma.
"What?" Asked Mirabel.
"We need a doorknob." Said Bruno.
"We made this one for you." Said Antonio.
He gave Mirabel the doorknob.

The family gatherd around her everyone smiling proud at her and me too.
"We see how bright you burn." I said with the family of Camilo.
"We see how brave you've been." Said Luisa and Isabela.
"Now see yourself in turn." Said her mother Julieta and father Augustin.
"You're the real gift kid, let us in." Said Bruno.
"Open your eyes. What do you see?" Asked Alma while giving her the doorknob.
Mirabel looked at her own reflection. The doorknob was crafted in the letter M.
"I see..... me. All of me." Mirabel answerd.
She turned and smiled when she looked at her family and me.

I whiped away my tears from  happines. Camilo smiled and whiped them carefully away making me laugh while he kissed my nose.
Mirabel slowly walked to the door and placed it in the door. Then the magic from Casita was back alive. The door turned light and the house breathed again. The doors were bright again but something was new. The candle was crafted with me.
"Y/n look." Said Camilo pointing at the candle.
"You are crafted in there."
I picked up the candle and looked at it. Butterflies were flying around the image of me.
"You are our hope Y/n. Thank you for helping my family. For helping me and Camilo." Said Mirabel doing her arms around me.
"But I think it's time for you to go home." Mirabel said pointing at the door.

The door was still light and waiting.
"I......" I said looking sad at the family and Camilo while stil holding the candle.
"I don't want to go..." I said crying.
Mirabel hugged me.
"Your family needs you." She said.
Antonio runs up to me and hugged me.
I hugged him back.
He gave me his leopard plushy.
"For the nerves." He said soft and I chuckeld.
"Thank you Tonito." I said.

The rest of the family each said goodbye hugs and thank you for helping the family. I gave the candle to Alma.
Camilo was the last one.
He smiled and walked up to me.
"Mi amore. I told you it was possible." He said cupping my cheeks.
"But I don't want to leave you." I said sobbing.
"No matter were you are, you are always with us." He said pointing at the candle.
"And I am always with you." He said doing his hand to his heart to show me were he is.
I cried.
"Please don't cry." Camilo said whiping away my tears.
"If we need you, remember I can always say the word to get you back. But I want you to have your best life there. And when time is right, you return with us."
"When is the time right?" I asked.
"You will know. I have a gift for you." Camilo said.
He shows me a heart necklace and opened it.
"The picture!" I gasped happy. "It's beautifull!"
Camilo nods happy.
"May I?" He asked.
I nod and turned.
We were both fully aware that everyone was watching. But we didin't care. It was just us and the world.
Camilo did the necklace around my neck and gently did my hair back.
He watched the necklace when I turned.
"It suits you. So now if you return, you will know I will always be there with you." He said. "And you will never forget me."
"What about you?" I asked.
"Oh! I have the same." He said pointing at the silver heart around him.

I smiled and kissed him passionately one last time. I kissed like it was our last time cause in this case it is.
Camilo pulled me closer and kissed me deeper.
He then broke the kiss and looks at me lovingly while holding my cheeks gently.
I heard the family sobbing softly. Some of them were holding there tears others not. Luisa was crying and Mirabel cried softly while comforting Luisa. Isabela comforts Luisa too. Bruno was crying Julieta comforting him and also crying. Pepa was crying but with a rainbow above her head and rainy clouds even Abuella cried and Dolores. Felix and Augustin tried to hide it. Felix was holding Antonio while Antonio was whiping away his tears.

We stopped kissing and I looked af the family one last time.
"Thank you everyone for your hospitality and care for me. I will never forget you all." I said.
They all smiled.
"One more thing. Read this when your there." Camilo said giving me a letter.
"Thank you Camilo for everything you've done for me." I said and hugged him.
Camilo hugged me back and burried his head in my neck while caresing my hair.
He closed his eyes then looks at me when we let go.
I did the letter in my skirt pocket and looked at him.
He grabs my hand and smiled proud at me.
"Now go and don't look back." Said Camilo.
He gently leads me towards the door.
I looked one last time at Camilo and the family smiled and waved. They all smiled and waved too.
I turned took a deep breath and stepped threw the door.

Authors note: It's almost the ending of the story? Noo! But I will update another chapter tommorrow. It's not done yet! Don't forget to vote the story if you like it and follow me so you can read more Camilo stories. For Camilo simpers like me. :)

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