Hide and seek

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I was standing there alone thinking what Isabella just told me.
Am I really a burden to this family? I thought hurt.
"Why is a beautifull princess like you standing al alone during a ceremony?" Someone asked.
I smiled knowing it was Camilo and turned around.
"I uh... was just... just... nevermind." I said shaking my head and looking at him. Why does he have to look this perfect.
"Alma said you needed to help me with the guests." Camilo said smirking.
"Yes but I don't know them." I whisperd nervous.
"Ah don't worry señiorita. Your just gonna chat with them and and get to know them a little. It's easy. " He said doing an arm around me and leading me outside.
"It's easy for you because you know everyone. You don't understand how it feels like to be an outsider." I said bitter.
"Woah okay, thats alot of harsh feelings now aint it?" He asked loosening his grip and standing infront of me to look me in the eyes worried.
He sighed and grabbed my hands.
"It's going to be okay. But you've got to trust me in this."
His gentle touch made me blush.
"Do you trust me Y/n?" He asked serious. Searching for any answers in my eyes.
I had a slight hesitstion looking at Casita then back at him.
"Yes.... I trust you."
"Good." He said smiling.
"Why did you hesitate though?"
"Because Camilo, I learned not to blindly trust a stranger." I said.
"Yet you asked me for help yesterday." He said. "That does give me a sign you do trust me. You just don't want to admit it."
"Camilo! I TOLD you that I trust you okay?" I said annoyed.
He smirked.
"What are we going to do? The ceremony starts at night." I said. "No visitors will come right now."
"Ay youll never know. But they usually come around by 6."
"I know something fun. Lets go." He said and grabbed my hand leaving Casita.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Y/n trust me okay?" He said once again.
I know I can trust him.

Camilo led me to the publik square where there where kids playing. Camilo smiled when the children ran up to him.
"Camilo!" A little boy said hugging him.
"Hello little guy." He said hugging him back.
I smiled and my heart just melted seeing his caring side. Mirabel was right. I started to feel some butterflies in my stumach.
"Your all comming to Antonio's ceremony right?" Camilo asked.
"Yeah!" They all said.
"Ofcourse he's our friend!" A girl said with two small braids.
Camilo smiled.
"Who is that?" A girl with the two braids asked pointing at me.
"Oh right." Camilo said standing next to me.
He did an arm around my waist. I blushed even more and started to feel butterflies.
"She is my girlfriend." He joked.
"Wow your lucky." A boy said.
I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully away.
"No he's not my boyfriend." I said.
"Aww." The kids said.
"See the kids agree we should be a couple." Camilo joked.
I laughed and shook my head.
"Why not? Camilo is great!" The girl said.
"I...." I said hesitating.
Seeing the kids around me admiring me. Asking tons of questions why I am not Camilo's girlfriend.
"Okay thats enough." Camilo said noticing me feeling under pressure and stood beside me again.
"Y/n moved here yesterday with us and she is part of the Einar family."
"Thats cool!"
"What super powers do you have?"
"We never got the chance to see them!"
"I am an Empath and have super sences." I said bending down at face level from the kids.
A kid threw a football at Camilo and he catched it.
He was deep in thought looking at the bal and suddenly had an idea.
He threw the bal right at the back of my head.
I senced the danger comming. I turned and catched the bal before it could hit the back of my head.
Camilo stood at a far distance and whisteld.
"Good catch princess!" He said.
I looked at the bal in my hand.
"Woww." The kids said al together.
"She really has super sences!" The girl whisperd excited.
I looked at Camilo suspisious when he walked to me and took the bal.
"I was just testing your super sences." He said helping me stand up again. "Don't ruin your dress though."
"I was just at eye level with the kids!" I protested.
"Yeah but still." He said smirking.
"Okay I know a game! Lets play hide and seek!" A boy said.
"Actually we need to get back to the visitors..." I said.
"Come on Y/n, just one game please?" The kid whined tugging on my dress carefully.
"Ey carefull!" Camilo warned.
The kid stopped.
"There right. We have an hour playtime." Camilo said smiling.
"But... fine but if we are late it's your fault!" I said.
"Take the blame all on me, alright?" He said winking.
"Okay kids, I will count! One!"
He said when turning to Bruno to scare them.
The kids laughed and ran away.
"Two, three, four, five, six..."
The girl with the two braids took my hand and ran away with me.

"Over here!" The girl said and she squished herself in a wooden chest that was outside.
"That doesen't fit for two!" I whisperd back. "Don't worry, I will hide somewhere near by."
"Okay..." She said.
"Whats your name?" I asked.
"Comming!" Camilo yelled.
"Shoot, stay in here." I whisperd and ran in a small street. I squished myself between two walls where there was a little crack and stayed there.
It felt like hours and I could hear Camilo finding some kids.
"Now where did Y/n hide?" He asked to Cecilia.
"I don't know she went that way!"
Fricking kid...
I cursed myself trying to squish further but I coulden't.
I held in my breath when I heard Camilo's steps in the small street.

Camilo's pove
"Oh Y/n where could you be?" Camilo said looking behind the trashcan.
"You would not hide behind a trashcan now right."
Camilo walked further almost wanted to stop looking when Camilo saw the road was a dead end. Camilo turned around wanting to leave the empty street when he could hear someone sneazing.
Camilo smirked and looked at the small crack behind the trashcan. Y/n could easily fit in there with her small, slender body.
Camilo turned into Bruno and stood before the crack scaring Y/n.
"AAAH Camilo! I know it's you!" Y/n said hitting Camilo playfully on the arm.
Camilo laughes.
"Need help?" Camilo asked handing Y/n a hand.
Y/n nods and smiled, accepting his hand. He gently pulls her out of the crack in the wall. Making sure she doesen't hurt herself or ruin her dress. He pulled her up, Y/n stumbeld and he leaned in until she hits the wall with her back. He placed one hand next her head, his arm streched, studying her face. Closing the space between them.
Her breathing hitched for his sudden action but she was looking in his eyes.
"I think we.... We need to go back home." Y/n suggest blushing when there faces were inches away from eachother.
Camilo was testing the waters.
"We should." Camilo answerd and smirked.
Her breathing was fast.
But his heart also felt like it was about to explode.
"Y/n, Camilo? Where are you?!" Cecilia yelled.
Camilo groaned and lets go of there close moment.
"To be continued princess." He said winking and walks to Cecilia.
"Yeah I found Y/n! We need to go back Cecil. I'll see you tonight!" He said high fiving her.
"You comming Y/n?" Camilo asked.
Seeing Y/n still standing with her back on the wall. Not believing what just happend.
"Y...yeah, I... I'm comming." She said and almost tripped when she walked towards him.
He made her nervous. He liked that he could tease and test her feelings towards him. Y/n might be powerfull but she is not a born actor like Camilo.

There love could never be Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now