xxxiii. the constant cicatrization

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June 15, 1999...

"Jem, wake up! It's today. Finally!"

Jemina groaned when she felt a weight on her body, it was too early for this. She tried to shove Eleanor off, but her best friend clung onto her even more, letting Jemina know she would not let go unless the Nightingale woke up.

"I am up." Jemina grumbled loudly.

That made Eleanor giggle before she finally got off and watched her friend sit up. "I thought I'd have to bring Ginny here to get you up."

Jemina chuckled at the mention of her girlfriend and shook her head. "You'd have better chances of waking me up."

"That is true."

The two friends laughed before they finally started preparing. Today was their graduation day, their long journey of 7 years at Hogwarts with their 6th feeling the longest, was now coming to an end. They were soon starting the next chapter of their lives, their lives after Hogwarts and as adults in the Wizarding World.

The Nosebusters all had their plans for what they wanted to do after Hogwarts although nothing was really set in stone. Neville had graduated the previous year along with Seamus, Ernie, Justin, Susan, Hannah, Pansy, Blaise, Daphne and Theo while the others like Harry, Ron, Dean and Malfoy didn't return.

The Longbottom would be there for the ceremony since he was staying in Hogwarts to train under Professor Sprout to be a Herbology professor. Luna was going to travel every month, looking for the magical creatures she and her father strongly believed that existed. They too believed in the creatures somehow since they believed in Luna.

Noah got a job offer as an Unspeakable, and he took it, wanting to correct all the false research results made during Voldemort's rule. Eleanor got a job in Muggle Relations, her experience as a Muggleborn and her proposals being of great assistance to the Department. The two of them took their jobs to help the Wizarding World, especially the Muggleborns who had gone through so much.

Hermione was also graduating with them since she came back to finish her studies. She was better these days, not completely fine but better. She was already planning what she needed to do to improve the lives of house-elves and the rights of Muggleborns. Classic Hermione, she really was keeping her promise to Deanna to make a change in this world.

On the other hand, Ginny got multiple offers from various Quidditch teams, her match in the last championship was exceptional. She was starting to live her dream of being a great Quidditch player. Despite the many offers, she already committed to her dream team, the Holyhead Harpies. She was excited when Gwenog Jones herself came to Hogwarts to thank her for accepting the offer. She remembered trembling while she shook Gwenog's hand. It was a dream come true, to meet her Quidditch hero in the flesh. Meeting her new Captain was one of the best moments of her life indeed.

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