vi. the badger's spirit

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Jemina started on her way to the Hufflepuff Common Room, the halls of Hogwarts feeling so cold and empty. In the past 5 years, Hogwarts never failed to make her feel warm. Not even when there was that monster from the Chamber of Secrets. Or when Sirius Black escaped Azkaban. It just had that feel to it and that warmth strengthened with the arrival of Deanna.

But now, it was gone. Maybe, it died with Professor Dumbledore or it went away with Deanna and Harry. All that was left now was the fighting spirit and rage of the fire in Jemina. She knew she wouldn't make a huge difference. She was just one of the Muggleborns who was special because of Deanna. But would anything change if everyone just stood by, not doing anything?

Letting out a sigh, she tapped the barrels in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff and the door swung upon, giving Jemina access to the Common Room. She crawled through the passage and went to the basement, her eyes widening to see all of the Hufflepuffs still up and talking with each other so they didn't notice her.

Noah was the first to see her and he ran to Jemina, hugging her tight. "Jem! Damn it, we were so worried." Jemina could only smile and hug him back, hoping to comfort him and tell him she was fine. She could tell Noah was holding in his tears with how his body was shaking.

Susan gasped and held a hand to her mouth when she saw the bandages on Jemina's arms. "Oh, Jem. What did they do to you?"

"It's nothing." Jemina mumbled, flustered at all the attention she was getting. This is the first time in all her years in Hogwarts that she was the one in the spotlight.

"How could you say it's nothing?" Justin cried out in anger. "Those are Death Eaters."

"They kill people, Jem," said Hannah calmly though there was that concern in her voice. "I don't know why they let you attend Hogwarts still but you have to be careful..."

"But I must say, Jemina, you really did surprise us." Ernie's comment made some of the tension leave the room as chuckles came around. It was true. Jemina's appearance and actions really did surprise them in more ways than one. But they couldn't deny that Jemina's sudden change was giving them hope and spirit.

Sure, Deanna Dumbledore was not here but it seemed like Jemina Nightingale was determined to fill in her shoes, to protect Hogwarts and to fight for the greater good. It made some of them feel ashamed. It should be them protecting the Muggleborns but it was the other way around.

"But what's the use of this foolishness?" A rude voice spoke up, making all of their heads snap to the source of the voice, and Jemina rolled her eyes when she noticed it was Zacharias Smith who spoke. He walked over to Jemina with a raised eyebrow. "Do you really think you can change something with what you're doing?"

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