iv. the muggleborn's stand

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"Jemina, what the hell are you doing here?" Ernie whispered as he, Justin, Susan and Hannah pulled her and Noah to the side while the others were making their way into the castle. "Don't you know they might kill you?"

"We're just worried, Jem," said Hannah with concern. "Deanna's not here for us anymore."

"Look, get away now." Justin said firmly. "You can go to Hogsmeade and try talking to Madam Rosmerta. Use her Floo Network and get to my house, you can stay there for now."

Jemina's laughter made them all stop and wonder why she was doing so when they were all serious. Noah could only sigh, knowing how this was going to go. Susan frowned at her. "We're being serious, Jem."

"And I'm serious too." Jemina smiled reassuringly at them. "I made a promise and I'll keep that no matter what. So let's go before those bastards come here and talk to us again."

Surprised at the animosity in her voice, the four older Hufflepuffs just sighed and nodded, the six of them joining the line of students naturally while Noah and Jemina stuck together. Noah whispered to Jemina. "Do you have any news on El?"

"I heard she was on the run and she sent her family somewhere." Jemina whispered back. "Why? Is she alright?"

"I was just worried." Noah sighed and shook his head. Jemina simply nodded, feeling the same. At least, her parents were safe and not in danger. She just hoped Eleanor would not be captured by those Death Eaters. She knew though that Eleanor was smart and fiery. She just hoped Eleanor would be fine in the end.

Jemina and Noah went into the Great Hall which seemed so gloomy now with banners of the Dark Mark all around. Their Professors had curt looks on their faces, sitting down and exchanging glances. The menacing Death Eaters too were there and Jemina could see them glaring at her. Jemina simply rolled her eyes and sat down at the very end of the table with Noah, ignoring the gasps and whispers all around.

Severus Snape suddenly went to where Dumbledore usually did, making Jemina glare at the former Potions Professor. How dare he stand where Dumbledore stood? Did that man have no shame? Snape simply looked over the students, an emotion flickering in his eyes when he saw Jemina Nightingale there before he quickly steeled his eyes again and spoke. "I am Severus Snape, the new Headmaster of Hogwarts."

Jemina's eyes widened at that and whispers rose again among the students. She looked to Noah, asking with her eyes if it was true and Noah could only nod with sadness in his eyes. The two of them knew one thing though. If Deanna heard about this, they were sure Snape would be dead.

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