xix. the battle of hogwarts

Start from the beginning

Flitwick who was in between the suits of armor quickly ran back to take cover along with everyone else while Professor McGonagall was waiting for everyone to come in. "Get inside! This way, everyone. Take cover!"

Death Eaters however had already entered the grounds and started Apparating in random places, destroying bits and pieces of the castle as they went. One arrived right in front of Arthur Weasley who met the Killing Spell with his counterspell. Meanwhile, another came into the window in front of Kingsley who nonverbally cast his spell that froze the Death Eater and the shards of glass before making them fly back. Remus and Sirius were engaged in a duel with a pair of Death Eaters, working like a well-oiled machine as they quickly finished them off.

Noah saw a Death Eater right in front of him and panicked for a moment, realizing that he really was in a war. But when he saw the Death Eater raise his wand, Noah's hand worked before his brain, and he yelled. "Expungovir! Stupefy!"

"Expelliarmus!" Luna cast at the Death Eater who was about to cast a spell at Mr. Weasley.

"Flipendo!" Noah followed up with his own spell, sending the Death Eater flying through the broken window.

"Thank you." Mr. Weasley smiled at the two teenagers, proud to see them and his family fighting so bravely. Oh, he was proud of his daughter indeed. Noah and Luna only sent a smile in his direction before they continued on with the fight.

Back inside the castle...




Jemina and Ginny held each other's hands tight, having their backs to each other as they battled Death Eaters all around them. It was chaos all around them, but they kept their promise to stay together as they battled and helped others around them.

"You stubborn boy, Andrew. Come on, let's get you to the Great Hall." Jemina hoisted the unconscious boy with a broken leg on her back while keeping her wand out. The first year rushed in to help them a while ago but got injuries in turn.

"Don't worry, Jem. I got you covered." Ginny reassured her. They went back into the battlefield where random spells were being thrown everywhere. Ginny noticed a Death Eater from behind them and quickly blocked his spell.

Jemina's eyes widened when she saw two more coming towards them and readied her wand, waving it as much as she could from the hand that was holding Andrew up. "Stupefy."

The Hufflepuff successfully stunned the one coming from the left, but unfortunately, she couldn't do anything to save herself from the spell that was coming from the front. She closed her eyes and waited for the impending hit.

"Protego! Stupefy!"

Jemina's eyes fluttered open at the familiar voice and saw Neville running towards them with a worried look on his face. "Ginny, Jem, are you two alright?"

"Yeah, we are. Thanks for saving us." Ginny sent a smile at him. "How about you guys? Where are the others?"

"Never better. I feel like I could spit fire." Neville grinned all of a sudden, making Ginny and Jemina glance at each other in surprise. "But Eleanor, Seamus and the others joined in the battle. They're back downstairs. You haven't seen Luna, have you?"

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