Chapter 7

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A sigh escapes my lips on my way down the hall. Already halfway through the day and I'm exhausted. As I open my locker, a piece of paper slips out and lands by my feet. Before reaching for it I place my books down and quickly pick it up before anyone sees.

Could it be...?

I had forgotten that I had received a note just like this not long after I had first moved here and here it is again, a few days later. What could it be this time? I flip it over quickly like ripping off a band aid. My hands tremble with anger; reliving that same anger I had the first time. What the hell is this?! 

I flip it over again to see if they wrote their name this time and nothing. Just a sketch of me sleeping in class; drool coming out. Someone is definitely making fun of me. And just like last time words are scrawled against the corner of it.

You remind me of a dog lol

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

My head starts to throb as I reread it. I look around and there's so many people walking and talking as they make their way to the cafeteria for lunch. Who could it be?

It takes every fiber of my being not to crumple it up. I take a deep breath and add it to my notebook along with the paper from last time.

But I crash into someone while I'm trying to slip the note between my books.

"Oof!" I jerk back suddenly. I brush off the tears that start to form in my eyes. My nose starts to throb as a result of the impact.

"Ah... my bad." I haven't heard this voice since my first day of school. "Oh it's you. The transfer princess in my literature class." My face flushes. I've never heard that nickname at all. Are people  talking about me?

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I straighten up and fix my hair quickly, embarrassed all of a sudden. It's the guy that sits in front of me. I run a hand through my hair trying to remember his name and then it hits me, "Lucas right?" I lean in close to ask him, "Do they actually call me that in class?"

"Yep." He stares down at something. I follow his eyes. "Anyways... what's that?" He picks up the note for me and hands it over after looking at it. Crap! I forgot to pick it up!

"Oh this..." Nervous laughter escapes my lips, "Just a drawing some jerk drew of me." The boiling pot of anger is still on but I'm trying not to let it overflow. Even more so in front of a guy that I barely know.

He raises his brow at me, and gives me a small smile. "I see... bad drawing huh?"

I look at it again to agree but after looking closely it's not a bad drawing at all. I hate to admit it but it's really good. I just hate the fact that I was caught in my most vulnerable state and they had to let me know about it. It's honestly embarrassing.

"I have to admit... it's not bad." I laugh, flustered. "But I don't understand why they're doing this to me."

"..." He just stares at me.

"I'll tell you the truth..." I glance around to make sure no one is listening, "This is my second one."

"Okay." he chuckles, "So... what are you going to do about them?" I can't really tell if he's concerned or amused. It bothers me a bit that he's only talking to me right now because he saw this drawing in my hand but at least I'm talking to someone other than Ijekiel. Maybe I'm reading too much into this and he's just as kind as Ijekiel.

"I don't know. What do you think it all means?" When I look up at him I make eye contact with him and see my reflection.

 I thought this the first time and I'm thinking it again, his eyes are gorgeous. 

It catches me off guard that I look away too quickly. "I-It just seems like they're trying to mess with me. I seriously don't get it."

Lucas shrugs, "Neither do I. Maybehelikesyou." I don't quite catch the last thing he says. As I'm about to ask, he looks back from where he came from and coughs, "I should get some food now.."

I glance at my phone to check the time and lunch is halfway done already, crap, "You're right!" Quickly, I fold the paper neatly and place it in my notebook once again. "I'm starving, I haven't eaten since this morning!"

"Really? Didn't you have bread during Lit?"

My ears turn red, "W-what? I didn't eat bread today." I'm sure I didn't eat anything today. Why else would I be this hungry?

"Oh maybe that was yesterday. My bad." He bursts out laughing and it makes me slightly annoyed. What he says next ignites a fire in my heart, "Couldn't remember. You eat something every other day... Honestly... I can hear you chewing sometimes so I have a hard time sleeping in class." I cannot believe he just said that.

I take it back... he's nothing like Ijekiel!

I glare at him. "Sorry for chewing so loud."

"It's all good." He can't stop laughing at me. I turn the heels of my shoes away and speed walk away from him. I can't believe how annoying he is. For a second I thought he was cool. But then he just had to tease me. What is up with the students at this school!  First the notes and now this? Am I just that fun to mess with? "Wait up Princess!"

I whip my head back at him, furious, "It's Athanasia! I'm not a transfer princess! What does that even mean?!"

"Everyone knows you're rich. As if it isn't obvious enough that you take a cab to school everyday. And you attended a girls private school"

"How...?" I frown, clutching my books and taking deep breaths to calm myself from having a fit. The cab part makes sense but how did they know I attended a private school? Just who looked through my records and spread the word? Is this what everyone talks about when I'm not around? Why? Is my life that amusing...?

"How do I know? The teachers told everyone who you really are, to treat you well." His amused smile slowly turns into a frown, "I thought you knew already. Everyone's a little intimidated to even look at you."

I sigh. As annoying as Lucas is, I'm grateful he revealed this to me, "Oh dear God..." I kneel down and bow my head down, exhausted to the core. "What do I do... It must have been Dad's orders."

"Ha... so you really are a princess after all"

I'm about to punch this jerk. Calm down Athanasia

"I am not a princess but I will admit that my father acts like I am." I shake my head of murderous thoughts. "It's ironic because he's been acting like I don't exist!" 

"..." he kneels down beside me and pats my head. "It's okay."

I glare at him.

"Don't worry... everyone will always remember when you couldn't do the reading the first day. You definitely exist."

The boiling water bursts like a bubble. 

Just as I'm about to land one on him, Ijekiel interrupts, "Hey Athanasia-"


"Ah... you." Lucas sighs in disappointment.

"Lucas? Do the two of you know each other?"

I lower my fist, deflated and defeated. "I was just about to get some lunch when I ran into Lucas."

He laughs nervously, "Okay. Did I interrupt something?"




"Let's just go Ijekiel." I brush my hand against his sleeve to pull him away while Lucas tries to hold back his laughter. Even as we get lunch and sit down to eat, I can still hear him mocking me in that voice of his. His eyes shining bright with amusement and his lips curled into a sly grin. Despite my heart burning with passionate anger I can't help feeling disappointed. I should have seen it coming. "I'm so glad I have you Ijekiel. I don't think I'd survive another day here." I mumble between bites.

Ijekiel smiles, his cheeks tinted pink, "I don't quite understand but thanks?"

Yep... he's nothing like Ijekiel.

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