Chapter 6

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"So yeah, it's been going okay. I'm still getting used to things here and our house is quite a ways from the school-Lily has to call for a cab every morning because of the distance. I hope that we'll be getting a car soon so she doesn't have to worry that much about picking me up." I blabber while stuffing my face with popcorn. I dig my toes into the sand below me while I stare out towards the distance.

Currently I am talking to Jennette over the phone while I'm at my safe space. It's this cute little creek by the house, well hidden by trees. The other day I found it and decided that this will be where I spend my evenings when Lily is busy.

"You sent me pictures but I still can't believe that's where you live now. I just can't get used to not seeing you here anymore." Jennette stammers and then swallows hard, "I've actually talked to Dad about moving and well.. He's thinking about it."

"Really?!" I choke. I sit up from the towel I placed. "No way!"

"Not so fast Athy. It's not an official thing yet. I mean we haven't really talked to uncle about it."

I sit just as fast as she reminds me and then take a sip of my water, "Ah... okay. Well if you do end up living here, you're welcome to stay with us! I would love it so much. You have no idea."

"Me too. Speaking of... Dad did say I could visit you soon!"

"Oh really?! That's great!" I nearly cry right there as I stare at the fish swimming down the stream of water but I cough instead to hold back from letting it all out. "Honestly Jettie. I've been having a tough time here. It's not as amazing as I'm making it out to be. So I hope I'm not pressuring you to come but I would be so happy to see you."

I can hear Jennette take a deep breath and sigh, "I knew it! You've hardly mentioned a detail about your school. Is everything alright?"

"..." things would be better if my cousin were here. It's so difficult to adjust to a place where everyone already has a role. I came here to this isolated town and so it feels like I'm intruding, "Not really. No. I'm okay but it's lonely you know?" I did tell her about that embarrassing situation on my first day but since then, I've been keeping it on the down low from Jennette. I don't want her to be too worried over me.

"Yeah I get it. I mean I don't understand since I'm not in the same situation but I've been feeling it since you've been gone..."

"Exactly! Actually..." I blink back my tears, "Jettie. If I'm being honest. I haven't made much progress here. I mean, I'm friends with the class president but no one else seems to like me that much. I'm the black sheep here. It was never like this at home so it's hard for me. We all grew up together so it has been quite hard adjusting."

"I see. Thanks for telling me." Jennette's voice comes out softly through my phone, "I wish you told me sooner... and I'm sorry I can't be there right this second to give you a hug."

"Thanks. That's means a lot." I brush my hair back and rub my eyes, "I'm happy to talk to you every day. At least that hasn't changed much." The laugh doesn't feel quite right but I shake it off. "Also, there's something else. Well, more like something weird happened the other day."


I frown as I recount the memory of that incident, "I got something in my locker. It was a drawing of me and it said, 'People would like you more if you smiled once in a while.'"

"That's so..."

She let out a breath of disbelief at the same time as I did.

"Creepy and rude."

"I know!" I mumbled, brushing my hair back as a warm breeze picked up. It was starting to get a little brighter outside so I felt that it was my queue to get back inside. Mieta had a tendency to get hot midday and cold at night. The weather was more fickle than that of Obelia, which I was grateful for various reasons. My home was always steamy like a furnace. 

The thought of that left a bittersweet taste in my mouth, or it might have been the popcorn I was eating.

I took my towel, bowl and water as I juggled my phone on my shoulder. Then I made my way back to the house.

"Why would they do that?"

"What?" I readjusted my phone so I could hear better, "Sorry, what was that?"

"Why would they do that in the first place, I mean. Why did they draw you and leave that comment that was totally unnecessary. Wait, are you getting bullied?"

"No, no, I'm not. It was probably just a joke." I also thought the same when I got it but it would have been more direct if it was bullying.

"You have to send me a picture of it." I scoffed at her. As innocent as she looked, Jennette loved hearing tea.

"I'll send it now." I took a picture of it in case I needed proof that I was being bullied heh.

Jennette coughs when she receives my message.

"Oh my god. That's so good! It's really really good. It actually looks like you." She whispers over the phone.


"No really. I mean it." She pauses, "After looking again, I'm starting to think that this person-"

"Don't say it! If you're thinking what I think you're going to say-" I blurt, my face flushing before she can end her thought.

"Maybe they like you, Athy."

"No way. I just got here!" My voice cracks as I say it and Jennette laughs. She argues with me while I make my way back. I nearly drop my bowl of popcorn when I see Lily stare at me with her eyebrows scrunched. I have never been more grateful for Lily interrupting my call, "Ahhhh, Lily's here. Let's talk later."

"You just don't want to talk about your secret admirer." She giggles as I groan.

"K bye." I roll my eyes even though Jennette can't see me.

"Please tell me if you get another note."

"No way. You'll just tease me."

"Pleeeease." She pleads.


"Okay bye. Say hi to Lily for me."

"Say hi to Uncle for me."

"Will do."

I hang up and Lily extends her hand to take my bowl for me. "You were gone for a while." She frowns at that, probably remember something unpleasant.

"Well, we got the car but it did take quite a lot of paperwork." We walk inside where she hands me the papers. It's as loaded as a dictionary. Lily's face says it all. She must have spent hours just writing her name on every page. "On a brighter note, I also got you a bike." I groan when Lily tells me that. 

I'll have to take a bike to school from now on. No more drives to the city! At the very least, I'll be able to enjoy the view on the way there and back.

After that, we eat dinner and then rest for the day. I stay up late thinking back on what Jennette said and about that note that was left in my locker. I start to think of who it could be but no one comes to mind. I think of Ijekiel since he's the only one I'm close to and he knows where my locker is but it wouldn't really fit his character to say something like that. Then who? I finally drift off to sleep, dreaming up a scenario about my secret admirer.

However, few days after I forget about it, another note is left in my locker as if to remind me of the first one.

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