Chapter 31 | Present and Past

Start from the beginning

"You do not worry as I will not cause you harm. For I am only a fragment of the soul that has been manifested" Metawin confirmed marching close to Bright. The silk brushing through the flowers with no worry. "How long have been you manifested?" Bright asked earning a small smile from Metawin.

"Since the night you first got the fragments of our memories" Metawin mutter as his hands went to touch Bright's cheeks. He thought to himself that he didn't change even one bit. "Thank you for everything, love"

Bright immediately gazed to Metawin. The building heavy tension of his tears didn't faze him. "I'm so sorry for leaving you. There wasn't a day where I didn't regret all of my actions." Bright shakily utter as he leaned to kiss the hand cupping his cheek. "Thank you for coming back to me"

Metawin smiled slowly removing his hand "You should say that to him" He said turning his back on Bright. Metawin walked away with a white rose in hand. Slow white and bright fragments falled down making a figure of a human being- Vachirawit.

Vachirawit took Metawin's hand, his smile not leaving his beloved. Metawin took the opportunity to hold him to his embrace as they both succumb to white petals going upwards the bright starry sky.

Bright watched in awe completely distracted on the scenery. The feeling of glee made his heart jump. He thought that maybe this is finally the end. Finally, We are happy.

"Bright!" A loud scream took his attention. The adrenaline rush course through every veins in his body. He knows that voice, It was him- Win. Bright immediately turned his body facing the source of the voice and he was not wrong. He smiled happily.

"Bright! There you are!" Win yelled running fast towards him. Bright stood still but his arms welcomed Win to an embrace. The dam of tears finally broke letting it fall down his face. Win widen his eyes in shock, He didn't atleast expected his reaction yet he was also bursting into tears.

The rush of their memories and hardships went by like a flash. Bright thought to himself that if they aren't for each other then what is the purpose of his life. Win hugged Bright tightly, He thought he cannot bring himself to lose him again.

"Don't cry, You look ugly when you do" Bright teased to ease the sad aura as he sniffed to clear his airway. Making eye contact to Win made his heart skip a beat as he didn't hesitate to embrace him once more. "I'm so sorry for leaving you before. I'm so sorry that I did it again" Win plead crying much harder.

Bright wrapped his arms more tight still listening on his woes. He didn't expect that Win will carry his regrets even to his next life. Bright knows that Win isn't that type of forgetting such a huge burden. "I have left you alone in this miserable world. I'm so sorry, Bright" Win utter.

"I keep going back where you breathed your last. It pains me so much I can kill myself thousands of times" Bright explained as the none stop tears blurred his sight. He crawled his fingers to Win's cheeks gently caressing them. "But you are here now. I'm the one who should apologize. I'm so sorry for leaving you behind, If I didn't left you on the pavilion then maybe-" Bright was cut from his statement.

As soft lips crashed onto his, The warmth he always loved quickly conquered him. Bright smoothly slided his hand on Win's waist pulling him in as the other pulled the nape bringing him closer as well as the kiss deepening. Their lips parted to breath the air they lack to consume moments ago. The light shade of pink tinted both of their faces. "That doesn't matter, I never resented you. Thank you for finding me" Win utter as he gently caresses Bright's hands. The sense of relief quickly conquered him. He clearly remembers how he witnessed him cry on his death anniversaries but that won't happen anymore- not in this life or the next. "Thank you for coming back to me. I love you so much" Bright exclaimed with a smile.

"I wonder if you only love me because of our past or you love me in the present" Win asked boldly earning a light laugh from Bright which made him suspicious. Bright smiled and implanted a peck on Win's forehead.

"Regardless of time, My affections will stay pure even if death will come in our way. I have and will always love you forever more." The statement made Win feel butterflies. "I love you too" He utter after he gained enough courage to tell smiling beautifully to him. Bright leaned in once more to feel his love's warmth.

The moonlight completely adorned them as it shone brightly. The flowery field's flowers bloomed more elegantly as they were once again witness the love of their owners. The heavens rejoiced bringing more shining stars to compliment the occasion.

As two hearts became one binded of the red thread...

As two hearts were separated yet are still connected...

As two were back into each other's arms again...

Whenever it's the present or the past, They both knew their oaths, promises and their love- and that's enough for them.


Next chapter will be the epilogue. Thank you all for reading!

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