Chapter 24 | Consequences

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"I will love and cherish you more than every precious items on heaven and earth"


"Oh gosh" I whispered quietly. Adjusting myself as I lay down flat facing the high ceiling of my room. Many hours have passed since we got home but it's still him that I could think of.

"Can I?" I asked Win. Nervousness soon conquered my senses. I'm really going to do this. Despite being dark, Win's movements are still clear to me. He looks nervous.

I really shouldn't do this

Win nodded slowly, his natural pink blush become more vibrant as he continues to agree. My eyes widen as a rush of adrenaline came throughout.

Pulling ourselves closer, His soft lips soon touched mine-

"Agh! Stop it!" I yelled loudly. I threw the near by pillow across the room. I scoff and let myself crash heavily on the bed. Feeling my face getting hot on the sudden flashback.

Win's soft lips touched mine. Pulling his waist to mine as the kiss deepen. He gripped the fabric that was covering my chest area but soon released, crawling his hand to my shoulder-

"Fuck!" I yelled again. Hitting the pillow on my face again and again. Why am I like this? This can't be happening. I sighed and let my fingers crawl through my hair, gripping it hard.

My other hand soon reached my heart area, feeling it beat fast somehow it always beat whenever his name is mention.

My eyes gazed upwards on the direction of my wall clock. It's not even near dawn yet I only slept for two hours as my mind is still preoccupied on the events that took place yesterday. Everything is going to fast but I can't deny that I'm enjoying this. I thought to myself sighing again, I let my body to get out of my soft bed as I undress myself and walked to the shower.

Droplets and stream of hot water flowed throughout my body, The steam going upward but still managed to cover my entire naked body. Leaning the stop of my head on the cold wall, The memories of yesterday soon conquered me but that didn't matter.

Flashes of thousands of images of... Win smiling so happily. His laughter can be heard both on my ears, Heck! Even his complaints and his constant babbling. I felt my lips turn into a curve that turned into a small chuckle. The constant banging of the heart is something... I can't deny any longer.

I turned off the shower and went out, wrapping myself by a towel on my lower area. I soon checked my phone but there's nothing interesting as I was about to turn it off, A notification brought my interest.

With Someone

On Win's social media account. It was a picture of us yesterday, As he tag me along on his post. This was posted 5 hours ago. Win has positioned his camera way too up that only his face was captured on the background it was me sitting besides him looking elsewhere.

My eyes wandered on the picture, smiling on my smile. Landing on a specific spot that I didn't expect to get captured. Win's hands intertwined on mine. It was Win!

I dropped the cellphone on the bed, as my body squat on the wooden floor. My hands covering the entirety of my red face. I mentally screamed.

I soon regained posture but didn't picked up the phone this time. "I don't know what to do" I whispered to myself, marching on my closet preparing myself to go out.


"Thank you Sir!" The small lady said enthusiastically grabbing the coffee that I ordered on a cafe near here. Fidgeting on the drink as I walked finally reaching on the destination that I have in mind.

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