Chapter 14 | Similarities

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"The cold won't faze me since You are here to warm me"


"Thank you" Bright sniff and open the lid of the water bottle. He drank fast like he didn't drank a single drop for days. I slowly sit besides him. The way he acted looks so traumatized and hurt but is it really him.

The way his eyes shine so bright and starry. It's like it's another person in him, the one who suffered, the one who said sorry.

Bright must have felt me stare at him as he shifted his seat and repositioned himself into a straight one. He eyed me suspiciously and nodded bringing his gaze again to the window.

Something must have happened considering the blood on the floor and his shaking body. Though it is a good thing he didn't passed out.

"What happened to you?" I said gathering up the courage and setting aside my pride. He looked at me at shock but quickly calmed himself. He hesitated to answer for a few moments and heavily sigh.

"It's something that has been bothering me that's all" Bright said avoiding my question. If it is something bothering him then I have no right to say a word since he doesn't want to release it anyway. I nodded along and looked at something else.

"I heard you were looking for Dew back then. What is it?" He said out of nowhere still not looking at me, closing the lid of the bottle planning to throw it away.

He's right. I was searching for him to ask about the rumors and gossip that may or may not have been him that spread. I just hope it isn't he is a good dear friend to me.

"It's about the things that people have been gossiping about. I was looking for him if he was the one the spread it which lead me to get into a fight with those physical education students" I exclaimed. He nodded slowly understanding the situation and finally looked at me.

"If you are talking about the rumor that has been circulating then no, it's not him that spread it." Moving slowly towards me and crossing his arms. I gasped and lightly smacked my head. How can I accuse him with something he didn't do?! I'm such an idiot!

My gaze fell down to the floor shamelessly. This is bad. I need to go apologize to him though I didn't told him yet. A soft chuckle was heard from him. I felt a hand softly patting me in the head on where I smack it earlier.

"Don't feel bad. He still doesn't know besides he probably would understand." Bright continued to laugh and pat my head for reassurance.

"But what If he doesn't? He's scary when he's angry" I eyed at him. Bringing my head up, feeling my lips turn into a pout.

"If he does then I'll take care of it so rest assured" He smiled. My stomach feels wierd as if there's butterflies fluttering. My face turning red.

"Ah also If there comes a time where you are in a dangerous situation. Don't hesitate to call me. I will be there for you" He utter sweetly his smile not leaving his face.

My heart skipped a beat from his kind words. What's happening? Is there something wrong with me? Shit!

"Win are you okay? You look red, Do you have a fever?" He exclaimed and pressed his backhand on my forehead, cheek and neck.

"No, I'm fine, Thank you" I said and got up to get another bottle of water. He really is driving me nuts. What is this feeling?

When he was about to come closer. I signaled him to stop and shoo him away which he obeyed and sat on his seat earlier and I did the same as well.

The room was covered with silence, only hearing the buzz outside the city and the chattering of people and staff from the hallways. The atmosphere feels too thick. We can feel that we want to talk to each other but can't, maybe because of pride or shyness. I really don't know.

"Win be honest with me" He suddenly said breaking the awkward silence between us. I hum and signaled him to continue. He seems eager and nervous on the things he want to say.

Bright looked away for a sec gaining up his courage. He inhaled a deep breath and looked at me with nervous but determined eyes.

"Do you perhaps regret meeting me?" He questioned and quickly looked away. It may sound rude but I can't help but laugh. Did he really just said that? 'The Great Bright Vachirawit' asking me if I 'The common Win Metawin' regret meeting him.

I thought deeply. Jokes aside, this can be a serious question for him. I should be careful on what I should say. He gaze me softly while waiting for my answer. How patient of him.

"In all honesty, I don't really know. I only knew you for a couple of weeks and it's very rude for me if I just push you away when you did nothing" I said. My face getting hotter all of a sudden.

Bright sighed in relief and took my hands bringing them on his lap. I quietly yelp at the sudden action of his. He laughed and started playing with them.

"I'm relieved. I really owe you one. Big time" He utter his stare not leaving my hands. A sweet smile started to form at his face.

"Owe? No, it's fine. You don't have to pay me" I said hurriedly. Is he indebted with me. Why didn't I know?

Instead of receiving an answer, He just laughed at me. The hands that he had fun playing was slowly brought up to his chest pressing it. I can feel his fast heart beating which made me blush.

"You really are silly. No wonder" Bright looked at me and I was astonished. For once, he looked happy and it's not those happy that I have seen when I was with him. This time really feels so real it's like he is expressing himself freely.

Without knowing, A smile has started to form as well. Bright was surprised by it but was returned with the smile earlier. The smile that I love.

In this life, I thought I wouldn't have anything similar with the likes of him but I was wrong. We really are similar in some ways.

And I love every part of it.

Who Art In Heaven || BrightWinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora