Chapter 3 | Sarcastic

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"Metawin dear..."


"Damn it!" I cursed that made Khaotung and my brother Mick flinched on their sit.

"What happened?Why are you swearing?" Mick asked and Khaotung nodded. I looked away hesitated to tell them on the situation that I got involved to.

"Well i have a friend who helped a random stranger and then--Why are you looking at me like that" I was interrupted by their glares. What seems to be the problem?

"Look Win, We're not dumb to know that's you" Khaotung exclaimed and continued to sip his coffee. I blushed Shit!

I signed "Ok fine but you two promised me not to tell anybody" They both nodded and lean there faces closer.

"Well A few days ago, Y'all know that i broke up with her right?" They nodded."Then someone suddenly had a heart attack in the middle of the road of course I helped him but then he woke up after a few hours and then he got discharge but then he offered to treat me then I declined then he started to be rude and then--"

"P'Win I didn't understand anything" Mick complained. "Just get straight to the point"

"He invited me to dinner" I said and blushed Damn I'm too embarrassed

"Then what's the problem?" Mick asked. I fell silent how could I can I say that he knows me and wants me to take responsibility of something.

"Hey" Bright called. What does he want now.

"If you want food go get it yourself" I said with a fake smile.

I really want to go...

"You serious? I'm still here laying on my bed" He said with a irritated face.

I signed and was about to go out when I felt something hit my back. I turned and saw him attempting to throw another one.

"Is this how you treat the person who helped you?" I asked in frustration he just smirked.

That's it I had enough!

"No but I have something to say" He said and motioned his hand to come near.

The heck..

"You are the cause of all of this"

"Hey Win?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mick clapped his hands in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I asked. Why am I even thinking of that maybe he's just playing.

"Here since you are lost on your thoughts. I messaged him" Khaotung threw my phone at the table. The text that he made is still visible on my screen.

"Shit! How did you do that? No, How did you get his number?!" I picked up my phone and kept rereading the message.

"I typed and saw his ID" He said sarcastically and smirked.

"It's not a big deal P'. P'Mew and P'Gulf had it good maybe you and this Bright will be good too" Mick teased

How do they even know his name?! I don't remember telling them.

"Oh also the name of him is funny. 'The Random Stranger that I helped: Bright'" They laughed. I didn't named that!

"Whatever. He already saw it so I don't have a choice" I signed and deleted the conversation.

"His name is familiar..What's his full name?"

"Bright Vachirawit" Khaotung widened his eyes and stopped sipping his coffee. "As in that Bright Vachirawit?"

I got confused of his actions does he know him?.

"As in this Bright Vachirawit?" He showed me the University's article with Bright as the cover photo. I nodded

"I knew it! He's popular inside and outside the school. I heard his in the Marketing Faculty" He explained. So this guy goes to the same university as me.

"Oh no. My brother got involved on a popular guy~"


Bright Vachirawit's POV

As i read the file that Mike send to me it includes Win's information. I noticed how simple his life is very far than the life that I imagined.

Thankfully, The nightmares had decreased rather than the usual dying scenario, It was change to a nice one instead.

I heard my phone rang. I was even excited in case if it's Win but it turns out to be Guy.

"Bright, Who are you targeting now?" His words are intimidating but I didn't mind.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in a annoyed tone.

"I have to beat Mike to tell me your doings. Only to find out that you are stalking again" Guy said. I heard a loud thud across the phone.

"I'm not stalking. Just curious"

"Make sure that his the one your looking for. You tried several times but the worst one was Gun" He threatened and hung up.

What's his problem

I continued my work when I heard a knock at my entrance door.

"Why is everyone looking for me!" I shouted in anger. Everyone give me a break!

"Bright! Open up!" I heard the person shout from outside Gunsmile?

I opened the door only to see Gunsmile smiling his gaze ready to tease.

"Hehe I heard you found the one" Gunsmile blabbered

"Shut up..What do you need?" I raised my right eyebrow in suspicion. He doesn't come here unless he needs something.

"Ohh you know me so well. Bright we have been friends for so--" I slammed the door closed and walked away. I knew it he wants something.

"Ai Bright! Open the door! I'm not finished!" He complained and started to knock.

"Bright~ Come on! I just want to borrow you leave car! Bright!"

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. I'm not letting him borrow my car ever again.

"Please let me borrow it?. I won't crash it. I promise!"

He ain't stopping huh. I ignored the message and continued to do my work when a idea popped up.

I opened my phone and message Win.

I'll pick you up tomorrow. So be ready.

I smirked while reading the message. I have to confront him now before its too late.

Win Metawin
Keep Dreaming hon

My smile faded. What the fuck?! He literally message me earlier if the offer was up!

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