Brady Part 2 - Jay Halstead

Start from the beginning

But tonight was different. He wanted to celebrate this very rare win with his team, but he also knew that you were going to be waiting to be picked up from your babysitter's house and spend the evening with him.

So he came up with a compromise. Once the team began packing up to leave for Mollies to celebrate he explained his situation. And without missing the beat the team all agreed to go to a little pizza place near the district for some food so that Jay could hang out with them for a little bit, and also be with you.

You had quickly won over the hearts of all of the intelligence months ago when Jay started to foster you. They all knew that Jay deeply cared for you and they took bets to see how long it would be until he was filing for adoption papers.

Jay got in his truck and made his way a few streets over to where you currently were at your babysitter's. Cindy Herman watched you before and after school. When Jay was looking for a sitter for you it was important to him that it was someone he trusted, and she already understood the strange working hours that came with being a first responder due to Christopher.

Walking up the front steps of the Herman residence he wrapped his knuckles against the wood of the front door. He heard feet tumbling through the house and the curtain of the front window fly open revealing Lee-Henry and you peeking through.

Cindy opened the front door, sending Jay a smile. You raced into the living room where you kept your bag and back at the front door. Once you returned you saw Cindy and Jay making small talk and Jay paying Cindy for the week even though she heavily protested like she did every Friday.

You and Jay amble your way to the truck, him opening the door for you as you hopped into the backseat. He walked around to the driver's seat and got in the truck. He pulled away from the curb after he made sure you were buckled and began heading to the pizza place. You were staring out the windows singing along to the radio when you noticed Jay missed the turn for the apartment.

"Jay you missed the turn to go home", you told him. Jay would never admit it to anyone but every time he heard you call it 'home' it made his heart happy.

"We aren't going home Y/N/N, we're going out to dinner", he answered as he turned down the busy streets of Chicago.

"Really, where", you asked. Going out to eat was a new experience for you. You definitely never went out to eat when you were at Brady, and even before that your parents never took you.

"The pizza place you said you wanted to try last time we went to the park", he told you as you remembered the pizza place across the street from the park you guys frequented. You liked how the windows had drawings of pizza in them and the fact that they sold homemade ice cream there.

"Yay", you cheered in front of the backseat, extremely excited. The truck eventually came to a stop and you soon found yourself being lifted out of the backseat giggling because you had your own two legs and could walk, but Jay insisted on lifting you out of the lifted truck.

You took his hand in yours as you walked hand in hand across the street to the restaurant. As you walked through the door you quickly spotted Jay's co-workers who you adored sitting at a large table.

You beelined it for them and made your way around the table saying high to everyone and giving them a hug. You made sure that you sat between Erin and Jay and proceeded to have one of the best nights of your life.

The night was filled with nothing but laughter and love. You stuffed your face with more pizza than you had eaten in your entire life and ended the night with a massive helping of your favorite flavor of ice cream, courtesy of Voight much to Jay's protests.

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