Hold On

234 2 0

Word count: 2.187

Tw: mention of human trafficking, guns, blood, death, suicide.

"You should stop staring, it's creepy" he said with his eyes still closed and a smile on his face. You giggled and moved closer to put an arm around his waist.

You woke up before him that morning and so you enjoyed watching him sleep peacefully. The light was coming through the window, so you could clearly see his features, his fluffy lips, the mole under his eye and the way his dark hair framed his face.

"I can't help it, you're too handsome" you kissed his shoulder and he squeezed yours.

"Let's stay here another five minutes and then go have breakfast, okay?"

"Only five minutes?" you said before starting to kiss his chest and then his neck, making him giggle.

"I guess we can stay her-" he got cut off by both your phones ringing at the same time. You looked at each other and sighed. You already knew what those calls were about: work.

"Hwang" you both said at the same time. You stood up and walked to lean against the wall. You felt the cold of it against your bare thighs and that feeling made you wake up a little.

"Are you with Hyunjin?" your boss asked you.

"Yes, he's here with me" you looked across the room and saw that Hyunjin was looking at you too. You blew him a kiss. He caught it with one hand and brought it to his lips.

"Good, then I won't have to call him too. It's time. We found out that Lee Min-Kyung is meeting up with a gun dealer tomorrow night. This is our chance to catch him."

Your heart started beating faster. Lee Min-Kyung, a very dangerous man who's been on the run for years now.

"How did you find out about it? Who told you?"

"We hacked into his phone" your boss said proudly.

"You've tried that for months and now that you've hacked into it you happen to find out that he has a meeting tomorrow night? Doesn't it look suspicious to you?" you massaged your temples; you thought that the chief of an agency of secret agents would be smarter than that.

"Listen, don't worry about it, you won't be alone. There will be two teams waiting outside, just in case something goes wrong, but you two should be able to manage that easily." You sighed; you knew he was right. You saw Hyunjin hung up the phone and sit on the bed, looking at you.

"Fine, just send us the details and we'll deal with that" you hung up and walked to your husband, stopping between his legs. His hands moved behind your thighs, pulling you closer.

"Who called you?" you asked him, wrapping your hands behind his neck. He rested his head on your stomach, so that you could play with his hair.

"It was Yoora, she said my car has been fixed and that we could use it for the job tomorrow night, job that I presume you know something about, right?"

"It's Lee Min-Kyung. If it all goes well tomorrow, we won't have to hear of him ever again" you smiled lightly and looked down at Hyunjin. You and him had been trying to catch Min-Kyung for almost a year, but you just couldn't be in the right place at the right time, he was always a step ahead. The fact that the company had managed to hack into his phone right the day before his meeting, giving you an opportunity to catch him, was way too suspicious in your opinion.

You told Hyunjin about what your boss told you and he nodded.

"I can tell you're thinking about something, just tell me" he laid back and dragged you down with him, so that you would sit on top of him on his laps.

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