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Tw: fight, bl00d.

The trio ran into the science and nature room, Ziggy and Kara running to slide behind a desk while Nick closed the door.

"Did we lose him?" Ziggy asked quietly. She and Kara were shaken up. Seeing someone beheaded was not what they were expecting when going to Camp Nightwing.

"Yeah, I think so. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Nick asked looking between Kara and Ziggy who had blood on their clothing.

"It's not our blood," Ziggy replied.

"It's Gary's," Kara added before she unzipped her jacket, revealing her shadysider shirt. She pulled her knees into her chest. The hit against the wood was messing with her head.

"And yours?" Ziggy asked, noticing all of the smeared blood on Nick's shirt. Kara laid her head on her knees, her face focussing on Ziggy, who was staring at Nick. She mentally wished that she would look at her like that.

"Um... Sean, Jesse, Rod, Stacey," he replied. Kara lifted her head in realization.

"Shadysiders," Ziggy said out loud, "it's the curse." Kara's eyes widened with horror. The curse. The one Sarah Fier put upon shadyside all those years ago.

"No, it's, uh-, it's just some psycho," Nick denied. Kara looked at the boy confused. For her, that made the most logical sense whenever she talked about it. But Nick always reminded her that she wasn't known for her brain.

"No, no, it's not some psycho," Kara spoke up in what had felt like forever.

"It's Tommy. My sister's perfect, virgin, boring, boyfriend, Tommy. She did this," Ziggy added. Tommy lived just around the street from Kara when she was at Shadyside. He was about the nicest person to talk to. He wasn't the type to go around and kill people.

"Cindy," Nick asked confused.

"No," Kara mentally sighed as she looked at him.

"The witch," Ziggy clarified. Ziggy turned to Kara who nodded in agreement with her. They still had each other's backs. Nick just looked at the two of them.

"That's not real, Ziggy," Nick denied. Kara just stared at him. How could he have not put the pieces together? A shadysider kills other shadysiders, rather than the brats of Sunnyvale? And with no real motive to go and kill the Shadysiders in the first place.

It doesn't make sense. It never did to Kara.

"Exactly what a Sunnyvaler would say. I thought you were different," Ziggy bitterly replied.

"Look at the facts, Nick," Kara muttered. Soon the bell started to ring, the one that Gary used to get them to the mess hall.

"They're getting on the bus. We have to go!" Nick told the girls.

"I can't. We can't. My sister is still out there," Kara had never seen her this emotionally distressed before.

"Ziggy, I've let a lot of people die." Nick contradicted. Kara made herself think over that quote repeatedly. Why should he blame himself? She thought.

"Nick, this isn't your fault," Ziggy replied.

"Why would you blame yourself, Tommy is the one doing the murders," Kara added with Ziggy nodding along, "although it doesn't even make sense." Kara mumbled the last part not wanting to cause a scene

"Not you!" He grabbed her face, "Or my best friend. I'm not letting you two die. Because uh... Yeah! I do like the weirdo from shadyside. Maybe once we get out of this, we could uh... We three could start a book club or something? Maybe, I dunno, Stephen king's new one is supposed to be good, I hear."

Kara shook her head, "I'm done with the horror genre for a while."

Ziggy nodded in agreement, "I'm done with king. Judy Blume for me from now on." Ziggy let her hand try to find Kara's hand, wanting to feel her presence more. Kara noticed and moved it so they were holding hands.

"Yeah, Judy Blume sounds, uh... Sounds perfect," Nick hated Blume. But kara wasn't going to ruin the moment for him.

"You believe us, right? About the curse?" Ziggy asked.

"Yeah, of course. I am different." Kara snorted at his words. They looked at her but she covered it with a cough.

"Now come on. We gotta get out of here." Nick jumped on to his knees to check the door, "We'll call the cops. Your sisters gonna be alright but first, we gotta get on that bus."

Someone started to bang on the door after his speech. The trio jolted as they looked at the door, anxiety rushing through their veins. Soon, a bloodied hand with flannel on broke through the glass and opened the door from the inside.

They sunk back down as they tried to cover their breathing as Tommy walked in. His breathing was heavy and there seemed to be a fly that flew with him whenever he walked.

Before Tommy could see them, the snake that Ziggy talked about earlier hissed at him. They took that to walk to a different hiding spot. Kara and Ziggy went to hide behind a table on the left while Nick went to the table on the right.

Kara, who felt like she was going to scream, grabbed Ziggy's hand for comfort. She let her hold it, squeezing to let her know she was okay. Tommy axed the glass cover for the snake, letting it slither around towards Ziggy and Kara before he turned away.

Ziggy squeezed Kara's hand harder,  notifying her about the snake heading their way. Kara didn't mind snakes but Ziggy did. It slithered over to them, the snake's looking around, as if it's searching for someone.

It slithered onto her lap before it went on to kara's to slither over to Nick. Before Kara knew it, her and Ziggy's heads were grabbed and pulled forward. They screamed out as Kara was pulled off of the table and onto the floor while Ziggy was dragged by her hair on the table by Tommy.

Kara saw the ax come down, but it didn't hit Ziggy. It hit Nick. Kara cried out for her friend as did Ziggy. Kara crawled under the table and stood up as she saw Ziggy. They both started to run together as Tommy ran after the two.

The girls ran through the forest as they made it to the entrance of the camp. Kara tried to wave the bus down but it was no use. It was too dark and they couldn't see them.

"Kurt! Will! Anybody?!" Ziggy cried out. The bus made the turn, not even noticing the duo. Soon they saw a figure walking towards them. Tommy. 

"Shit, run!" Kara cried out as the duo ran back to the main cabins of the camp. They ran to the mess hall, knowing Tommy wasn't far behind them. Ziggy locked the door as Kara walked to find something to cover their breathing and movement.

She ran to the radio. And put the VHS tape that was in there before turning on the loudspeaker. She hit play and carry on wayward son started to blast. Kara and Ziggy stared at each other and they both knew what their looks meant.

They were both telling one another not to die.

QUERENCIA, fear streetWhere stories live. Discover now