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Tw: cursing, bullying

"Color war begins tonight, guys! Line up and grab a shirt, do you have a shirt?" Kara heard one of the male counselors, Gary, yelling out. Kara walked at a pace not too far from Ziggy, knowing she probably wanted space.

"Blue is for beautiful, if you live in Shadyside. Red is for radiance if you live in Sunnyvale." Another female Counselor, Joan, called out as she handed them out to a few kids.

"And purple is for Kara," She heard the counselor mumble, "And despite our differences, we're all perfect! Even you Ziggy Berman." She threw the t-shirt at the girl who just rolled her eyes.

"Kara! Blue or Red for color war?" She heard Gary ask her. She felt as if all eyes just laid upon her as some stared in confusion or they stared at what felt like the choice was about to define her life forever.

"Uh... We'll see!" Kara replied before walking in a different direction. Ziggy watched the girl before turning away to head to Nurse Lane. Ziggy wanted to learn more about her.

Kara turned to see Ziggy walking to the clinic. She felt horrible for what the Sunnyvalers had done so she wanted to make it up for her. She wanted to show her that she wasn't an asshole.

So she jogged over to Charlie and put on an innocent face. He smiled at her as she grabbed his hands.

"Could I possibly get the keys to the kitchen to grab some apples?" She asked. Charlie just sighed and shook his head with a smile. He knew Kara loved apples, they were her favorite fruit.

She read that apples meant good health and a good future for people who eat them and ever since then she ate an apple every day.

"Kara, I can't keep doing this," He sighed as he watched the younger kids practice archery. Kara huffed in annoyance.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I just- I feel bad for what happened to Ziggy," Charlie scoffed making Kara smack his arm.

"Why should you? Everyone is so sick of her, including her dear sister. How come you wanna be her friend so bad?" He asked. Kara watched as Kurt started to talk to Cindy Berman about the incident.

"She's not as bad as you all made her out to be," She replied as she walked away from Charlie to her cabin. She went through her bag when she found a hairpin. She smiled as she jogged out and ran to the back of the kitchens.

She took a deep breath before fiddling with the lock. It opened and she successfully managed to get in and steal two apples. One for her and one for Ziggy. She locked it back up when she heard the two sisters arguing.

She walked towards the front to see Cindy and Ziggy, who were walking away making Kara follow after her. 

"Hey! Ziggy," She called making Ziggy turn in confusion and annoyance. Kara's smile faltered before she gave her the apple.

"Why are you giving me an apple?" Ziggy asked as they walked together.

"As an apology for what Sheila did. You didn't deserve that," She responded, eying the bandages. Ziggy lips went to a thin line, almost smiling.

"Thanks, I guess. Hey, if you're okay with me asking, what did that counselor mean when he said red or blue?" Ziggy asked.

"Sure, I don't mind. My dad lives in Sunnyvale, My mom in Shadyside. I live with both of them and I can never seem to choose whether I'm a sunnyvaler or shadysider for color war," Kara explained.

Ziggy watched as her curly hair bounced whenever she took a step. She noticed the little mannerisms she did while she was walking.

"Why don't you choose good ole Sunnyvale. That seems to be the obvious choice," Ziggy responded. Kara just looked at her.

"I don't feel like I fit into either place. When I'm in Sunnyvale, I feel like a shadysider, and when I'm at Shadyside, I feel like Sunnyvaler," Kara reasoned to Ziggy. Kara watched as Ziggy's facial expressions looked like she understood.

"I get how that is," Ziggy responded making Kara's heart feel like doing somersaults. Kara's feelings were never really understood when she explained this to Alice or Charlie. But now someone finally understands.

  Kara was going to say something else before she and Ziggy heard sirens. They looked at each other before running to see the situation unfold. Nurse lane was being wheeled out as Cindy and Tommy Slater, another counselor, were questioned by an officer.

Ziggy crossed her arms to cover up her feelings while Kara's hands just stuck to her side, unmoving.

"Hey, witch," Sheila and her posse came to bother her again, making Kara's eyes roll, "So sorry. I know you and nurse psycho were close. You can visit her in jail now"

"Fuck off, Sheila," Ziggy muttered. Kara shooed her away with her hands but Sheila didn't seem to catch the memo.

"By the way, you might want to check your stuff. I think there was an accident in cabin five." Kara watched as Ziggy turned away and started to walk away.

"Look at her go!"

"Run witch run!" Kara turned back and smacked Sheila in the arm. All three girls looked at her in shock. Kara was shocked by her actions but she didn't regret them.

"Why the hell are you on her side?" Sheila asked as she rubbed her arm. Kara scoffed.

"Last time I checked I'm still part shadysider, aren't I? I'm still a part of 'shittyside' " Kara told the girls before walking for a split second before turning back.

"Oh, by the way, Sheila, have fun with your yeast infection!" She said louder so other campers could hear and laugh. Sheila blushed before stomping away. Kara turned back to the direction she was going. Cabin five. She saw Nick look at her for a split second before talking more with the officer.

Before she could even walk into the cabin, Ziggy stopped her, "Look, Kara, I get it. You're not a Sunnyvaler asshole! You don't need to prove it to me. I'm not something you need to prove yourself to." She said before shutting the door on her way out.

She headed towards the arts and crafts room leaving Kara there standing in silence about how she's been acting. She nodded as what Ziggy said was true. No wonder Alice was getting so annoyed, she would've as well.

But tonight, she knew exactly what she wanted to be.

She walked into the mess hall as everyone was eating. She grabbed her dinner as Joan finished her speech and was booed by the Sunnyvalers. Charlie waved her over to sit with his group but she ignored him and went to sit with some counselors.

"Hey, Cindy, do you mind if I sit-" Kara didn't have to finish her sentence before Cindy agreed and scooted over so she could sit.

"So, what brings you over here?" She asked. Kara shrugged.

"Needed a break from red shirts." She responded. Joan considered that before realizing it.

"Wait, are you going to do color war on the Shadyside team?" Joan asked, making the Shadyside counselors look at her. Kara nodded, making them excited.

Dinner ended making their exit. Kurt jogged over to Kara as she exited the room as well. Charlie followed him over.

"So, have you decided?" Kurt asked and Kara nodded. Kurt and Charlie's eyes widened with excitement before Joan threw her the shirt that she would be wearing for the night.

A Shadysider's shirt.

"What the hell?" Kurt asked annoyed. Charlie looked at the girl in confusion.

"What? I can't change it up?" She asked before walking away from the boys. She jogged to her dormitories to get ready for the night.

QUERENCIA, fear streetWhere stories live. Discover now