Roller Coaster

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Alyssa's pov

It was Jack Gilinsky calling me, why is he calling me. I'm not being rude but why does he care enough to call me. I pulled my car over to the side of the road, trying to calm myself down before answering my phone.

"H-hello" I said into the phone my voice cracking

"Lis oh my god are you ok, are you crying Lis answer me!" Jack shouted but not too loudly, he was just concerned.

I didn't answer for a but looking out the windows crying the hardest I have ever cried, just shaking my head then I finally speak.

"Jack.... I need you" I say whipping the tears.

"The tour is over in 3 weeks, do you think you can hold up till then?" He asked nervously.

"I don't know everything is just falling apart, I'm falling apart." I cry into the phone.

"Lis?" A new voice was on the phone, it was a voice that I loved and most likely still do love no matter how much I say I don't don't. The voice was Nash.

"What the fuck do you want!" I shout angrily "put jack back on please" I begged letting out a sob

"Lis please calm down" Nash pleads into the phone

"Look Nash I can't right there is too much going on. Just please if you truly want what's best for me put Jack back on the phone.

He didn't argue back just let out a huff of air, my ears were soon filled with Jacks voice.

"Lis I promise as soon as thus tour is over I will come, and be there for you" Jack tells me. I nodded but then realized he can't see me.

"Jack you don't have to come and see me, I'm fine" I say with a little laugh he makes me happy.

"No I'm coming end of discussion" he said with a laugh to but at the same time he was serious.

We talked for a bit more and then I started to get hungry, and talking on the phone while driving isn't the best thing.

"I got to go Jack see you in 3 weeks" I tell him starting up my truck.

"Bye Alyssa, see you then beautiful" he said and then the line went dead. What is this feeling I only get this feeling when I'm falling for someone. But I can't be falling for Jack this quickly. Can I?

I drove to a Burger King and went inside to order.

"10 piece chicken nugget, small French fries, and a large mocha iced coffee" I told the lady working the cash register.

"That'll be $6.58" she says a so hand her a 10.

As I'm waiting for my food, I remember what happened earlier before everything went bad. I have to call Acacia and tell her about what Andrea offered us.

I got my food and head to a table towards the back and pulled out my phone and went on ooVoo. A couple seconds later Acacia's face popped on the screen.

"Heyy babe, how ya doin?" She asked as she continued to put on her makeup.

"I'm fine, never better actually" I say with a true smile, Jack made that possible I'll tell Acacia about the whole Sam thing later when I see her again.

"So what's up?" She asked

"So earlier today, Andrea called me and your not gonna believe what she asked me." I exclaim

"What is it, you know I hate the anticipation" she says frustrated, having us both laugh.

"Well you might just wanna start packing because we are moving to California baby" I shout but not too loud.

"Holy shit, no were fucking not, Alyssa fucking Page if you're fucking lying to me I will beat the shit out of you, you biych" Acacia threatened. I knew she was kidding she only swears and threntens someone when she's happy. And again I have no idea why she does, its just Acacia being Acacia.

"You better fucking believe it because we are Andrea called me up, and we are also living with Jenn, I think in a month or so we are moving out there" I tell her.

We talk for a bit longer till I see the time, its almost 10:30, Burger King should be closing soon. I say bye to Acacia and throw away my trash, then head out the door. Its still down pouring and honestly I sometimes I don't like the rain, like today for example.

Thankfully I made it home safe, I quickly ran inside and was greeted bye Elizabeth.

"Hey Elizabeth I have something to tell you" I say walking g into the kitchen taking a seat across from her.

"What is it sweety?" She asked putting down her magazine.

"Umm well Nash and I broke up" I tell her butting my lip not wanting to look her in the the eyes, honestly I don't know what she's going to say, if she's going to kick me out before I get everything settled with Andrea.

"Oh wow I thought y'all were going to last" she says disappointed. "What happened?" She asked, oh god really did she really have to ask that. I could just straight up tell her 'oh you're son is a dick who likes to go cheat on me with someone he knows I hate.' But I decided agents that, to spare Elizabeth's feelings.

"Umm we just weren't working out, the whole him being on tour and I guess opposites don't attrach" I say not wanting to meet Elizabeth's eyes, but I knew I had to so I did. She had sympathy and sadness, both of which I understood why. Sympathy because she knows I truly did love him, and I thought he loved me, guess I was wrong. And the sadness, bevasue I guess she feels sorry for me because, and again she shouldn't I'm a much happier and better person now.

"I-Im also moving out to California with Acacia and some other friends." I start "I think it will be best cause of Mash and I, and you don't have to worry about me YouTube is financially suporting me, and I will be l,moving with 2 other YouTubers so I'm fine" I reinsure her with a smile putting my hand on her shoulder.

We talked about it for a while, and she was sad that I was leaving. She told me that she thought of me as a daughter, a step daughter. She thought Nash and I were going to last forever she was wrong and so was everyone. I wasn't wrong I knew we weren't going to, I don't even know why I dated him, I know I had true feeling for him at one point but they faded fast. Like the saying says Some fade faster than others.

**Authors Note**

Whts up my lovelies

Srry this is late I had a softball he, and I made a full recovery thank god. Even thou I lost 7 pounds in a day, but I'm fine lol.

Comment wht u think is gonna happen next and srry this chapter sucks.

Thx again for the reads tell ur friends, vote, comment, and lastly u can follow me on my social medias

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