g.germaine ~ forgive myself

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Rink, Eden Hall
Thursday, 1996
05:02 p.m.

"Germaine, why are you still here?"

"Sorry Coach, I was getting my things and got distracted." I said, wiping my tears. "Are you alright?" Coach Orion asked.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm just fine. I'll see you tomorrow, Coach." I said but he stopped me. "Sit with me." He said and we both sat down on the bleachers.

"Talk to me. I can't have you crying like this the day before the showdown. What's on your mind, kid?" He asked.

"It's nothing too serious, Coach." I said but he didn't give up. "A breakup? A loss? C'mon, let me help you."

I sighed and eventually told him what I've had on my mind.

"Umm, after we played at the Olympics, a member of the team got into an accident and we lost her. She wasn't able to find out we got scholarships to this school." I said.

"Was she a close friend of yours? Was she your sister?" He asked. "She was... She was my girlfriend." I whimpered.

"We were together even before the Ducks we're formed." I said.

"We had a fight before she left my house that day to get in that car she crashed in." I said as I start to tear up again. "And I didn't want to admit I was wrong and she left without either of us even saying goodbye."

"I couldn't apologize to her..." I said, wiping a tear. "And I'm never going to be able to forgive myself for that."

"And I tried to move on, tried to play for the team. But almost everyday, I'd stare at nothing and think about her. I do it wherever I am, I even go to a specific place to do that." I said.

He gave me a side hug. "She forgives you, even if you can't forgive yourself. And that is also a lesson for you." He said. "How?"

"Well, it's telling you to always apologize to people and forgive them. No matter how mad and rageful they made you and how many times they or you have done it, you must always apologize and forgive." He explained.

"And you may not be able to apologize to her, but she's always watching over you and she knows you both love each other so much. I'm not sure what she wants but it could possibly be for you to move on, be happy and forgive yourself." He said. I nodded, slightly agreeing.

"Thanks Coach. I better go home now. My mom is probably wondering where I am." He said. "No problem, Germaine. I'll see you tomorrow. Stay strong, keep your head up and play. At least for her." He said.

I nodded and we shook hands before I left.


Rewatched nwh. Still crying and hurt.

Especially this scene :====)

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