f.r. ~ recall

654 7 3

Rink, Eden Hall
Thursday, 1996
04:32 p.m.

"Fulton, why are here alone?"

"I was just, recalling some stuff in my head." I said. "Just felt like being alone for a minute."

"You okay? Something bothering you?" Charlie asks as he sat next to me on the bleachers.

I had a feeling he noticed my tears in my eyes and on my cheeks.

He patted my back. "I know man, it hurts to think about." He said.

We were talking about Y/n. Why was she so special? It wasn't because she was the best player or even the nicest person on the team. She was just the best person ever, she understood every person on the team.

And she was the closest friend I've ever had. The first friend I've ever had, really. She wasn't known for being nice or mean or rude or sweet.

She was known for being her and that's what made her special to us.

She was like a sister. She looked out for us, we looked out for her. She was tough yet soft, kind yet mean. And man was she funny.

Best of all, she was my girlfriend. After knowing each other for 3 years, I asked her out and ever since then we've been dating.

"You gotta come out of it, Fulton." He said. "Come out of it? This has been bothering me for months and then Portman decided to make it worse. I can't just come out of it!" I said.

"I know but you can't be sad all the time! The team needs you!" He said. "The team needs Y/n. That's who the team needs, that's who I need!"

It's already obvious by the way I am hurting that Y/n had passed months ago but I still haven't got over it.

"She wouldn't want you to act like this all the time. You know that. She'd advise you not to." Said Charlie.

He was right. She gave everyone the most amazing advice, better than a therapists advice. Her advice always helps. Somehow she knew everything, at least that's what we thought.

"I just- I can't- I hate living like this! I hate feeling so bad that I almost forgot how to feel happy!" I said until I stood up.

"Fulton-" before he said anything more, I cut him off.

"No! I don't wanna hear anything from anyone right now! Just leave me be!" I said.

Charlie sighed and before he left, he said,

"She'd hate to see you like this, Fulton." Then he walked away.

I continued crying but this time harder and I felt more pain in my heart.

"Y/n..." I said.

"Y/n, please. Please come back." I sobbed and sniffled.




P.s. read it while listening to the song haha.

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