Mor was wearing a scarlet red, brighter than anything Azriel would ever dream about wearing, himself, and much brighter than Cassian's but it wouldn't have screamed Mor if it wasn't. The chiffon was long, and billowing, and took up much more of the room than perhaps any of them might've guessed. He hoped she looked dazzling enough to take the inner circle's eyes away from him because apparently his tie was so scandalous.

"Is there a reason for-"

A pillow was launched from Mor's direction, hitting Cassian with enough force for him to stumble back a step. Azriel had already thrown his hands up in exhaustion. "That's it. I'm not going." He went to collapse next to Mor and no doubt crease the folds of her dress, but she was quicker to get up and gently goad him towards the door of the bathroom.

He groaned. Loudly, and yet still he found himself slowly peeling out of his leathers and into something the brushed a little softer against his skin. Azriel didn't dare look at himself in the mirror, not even to tie his tie, quickly escaping the large mirror pinned against the bathroom wall.

The party, it seemed, had already started. Mor had made a space next to her for Amren and they were sharing a bottle of something fizzy, something no doubt expensive that they'd found deep in Rhys' cellar. Feyre was lingering in the doorway, flirting with her husband shamelessly as Elain tried to squeeze past them and into the room, dragging Nesta in behind her. Azriel watched Cassian closely, waiting for him to tense, but it looked like he'd stopped breathing altogether.

Nesta, to her credit, looked as much royalty as Cassian did, dressed in her signature navy. None of us were brave enough to make a comment on the golden swirled that very much matched his. It looked like Amren was about to when Feyre coughed and Rhys raised a glass, clinking it lightly with a blunt butter knife.

"I didn't fight with you in the Day Court, and I wanted to apologise."

Amren took a large swig of the shared drink before intervening. "Then apologise for being stupid enough to tie your lives together."

"We know the consequences of our actions, Amren. More so now than before." A burst of Azriel's shadows swarmed around his head, some whispering, some almost shouting out phrases. Amor vincit omnia was the clearest of them all. A phrase in the old language he interpreted as 'love conquers all' the moment Rhys continued. "We're-" The rest wasn't intelligible.

Feyre rolled her eyes, her face brightening as she stepped forward. "What Rhys is trying to say, is that the Inner Circle is expanding." And with the happiness and elation, there was almost audible worry, it etched its way through the room. Even Amren, after her statement, paled.

With every passing moment of silence, Feyre's face dropped more sullen.

War. There was a war, and if Day Court was any indication, Rhys would not fight. Rhys would not fight and endanger his family, Azriel knew. He'd do the same. Without Rhys came the question of alliances around Prythian, would it be deemed a hopeless cause when the High Lord of the Night did not join?

Swarms of unanswered panic filtered into Azriel's mind-

"Congratulations." Nesta said quietly. Without spite, or that harsh tone that was often held in her conversations. Honestly. With a heartfelt that was true. She slowly made her way over to the couple, giving a questioning look towards Feyre- that was answered with an eye watering nod- before placing a hand on her belly. "If they're anything like you, Feyre..." There was a pause while she took her hand from her belly and cupped it around Feyre's cheek. "They'll be perfect." And she silently made her way out of the room, not once making eye contact with Rhys.

Mor followed with Cassian, gently prying both Feyre and Rhys into a hug before making their way to the hall. Amren's words were quieter, quiet enough that he couldn't quite make them out and they settled Feyre so that she was smiling again. Elain was next, giving a few words after placing a quick kiss on her sister's cheek.

"Az?" Azriel looked back to his High Lady, stepping out of his hectic shadows. "We're going to be alright."

He nodded, briefly sparing a glance towards Rhys, whose face was unreadable. "I know. I'm happy for you both. Truly." A child. Azriel didn't know if he was responsible or gentle enough to be around a child. It would cry, he had no doubt. Cry at the state of his hands, and shy away from fear at his shadows-

"I like your tie." She giggled, turning away and disappearing towards the sound of music and laughter.

Rhys shook his head lightly. "It's... different." Nodding at the offending item. "Good different, of course."

"It's not that different." And it wasn't. It was still dark, just as he'd requested. More had assured him that it'd barely be noticeable, but it was starting to prove otherwise. Rhys only snorted. "Congratulations. I look forward to meeting more of the family."

His brother looked over towards the mirror, looking over his own features, no doubt imagining Feyre too. The child, no doubt, would be spoilt rotten by ever member of the Court. Loved, adored by all."Feyre thinks it might be a girl." Azriel hummed in question. Rhys' smile widened. "Artemis."

"And if it's a boy?"

"I think she dreads having a baby Cassian running around, she hasn't even come up with any boys' names yet."

Azriel could understand her reasoning. Cassian was a handful to put up with at the best of times, let alone as an infant. "Perhaps, but Cassian's an Ilyrian. You won't have to worry about that." Though Rhys' face turned ashen and fell back into the state it had been when Feyre could not see him. "Rhysand, you won't have to worry about that. Right?"

"I don't know."

He froze, his whole body silent in utter dread. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"Do not speak of this to anyone else. Not tonight." Azriel went to interrupt, to say more. "Please. Not tonight." And paced quickly out of the room, leaving Azriel in a quiet shock.


(Another small one but I hope you enjoyed none-the-less. If there's a scene in particular anyone wants to see, either private message or leave a comment.x)

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