Secret 6

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Pran's POV

Today is a good day. After a little shower at dawn, now the sun shone gently through the glasses windows. As it opened a part, the breeze wind came into the room.

With a happy smile I drank my last sipped hot coffee then turned around back to the table in the middle of the room that now was occupied by a medium sized unfinished diorama set. While sitting, I put my mug in the corner of the table and started picking up pieces of cardboard that Pat had painted yesterday.

I couldn't help but smile so wide remembering how much Pat was pouting and loudly complaining while still diligently cutting and then painting the pieces... He was soooo cute! Especially with several colourful splotches paints on his cheeks and temples, he looked so adorable in my eyes. Of course, I didn't say a word to him, just listening to his rants while trying my best to hide my amused smile.

Thanks to his hard work, all the pieces have been cut out and coloured as I designed. So the next task for today is just to glue and put everything together into a whole.

Unfortunately my hand was still in a cast and eventhough it was very itchy, but my doctor said it was still not the time to remove it. As a result, it took me more than 10 minutes already just to make a mini balcony like this!

Shiaaaa!!! With a frustration growl, I changed my position so that my casted right hand now was on the table. If only my hand wasn't wearing a plaster cast anymore, the work on gluing the parts of the diorama would be finished quickly.

I bit my lip in annoyance when one part just kept sliding when I was about to glue it. I shifted my arm further to the side and  ...


Ups! After the initial shock I just cursed myself for my own clumsiness. Aish, now I had to buy a new pair of mug... Sigh...

"Pran!" Like a bull, Pat stormed out our bedroom and in a second was already standing beside me with bewildered eyes.

"What happened? Are you okay, Pran?" Even with his boisterous voice, Pat touched my right waist gently, keeping me away from the scattered mug on the floor.

I shook my head and gave Pat a reassuringly smile. "I'm fine Pat, just accidentally bumped the mug."

"Is your arm okay? Does it hurt?" Asked Pat in a worried tone.

I shook my head again. "Really, I am okay." I saw the shards of mugs scattered on the floor. "Oh, it's all a mess," I moaned. I squirmed and tried to untie Pat's arm around my waist.

"What are you thinking of doing?" asked Pat while giving a hard glare towards me. With a frown hearing that sharp tone and receiving the glare, I replied coldly, "Cleaning all this so that I can continue my work, what else?"

"Oh no, you don't," Pat answered me back hastily. Instead of releasing me, he used his muscle to force me to sit down back on the chair again.

Holding me with a glare and arms resting on both sides of the chair, Pat said in a gentle tone but firmly, "Sit still, let me clean up. After that, we'll do it together, okay Pran?"

"But, " Before I could continue, Pat pressed his index finger to my lips. Shaking his head, then he said forcefully, "Okay?"

Knowing his stubbornness, I had no other choice but to give in. "Fine." I said resignedly.

With a triumphant smile on his face, Pat nodded in satisfaction before cleaning everything up. It wasn't long before the two of us were able to continue gluing the remaining dioramas.

Like yesterday, Pat was doing his job but with relentless groans. Every time he finished building an object and then saw that there was still more to put together, Pat would bemoan at length like a rapper.

"Why are there still so many to be installed?" Pat grumbled 100x times. "We've been working on it for more than 5 hours, yet it's still not finished."

"Hmmm," I just solely agreed. Pat stopped and let out a heavy sigh.

"You really owe me big time, Pran, remember that. " He pointed his finger at me. "At the very least, you have to treat me with bubble milk tea."

I looked at him in disbelief. "Hah! Why should I?"

"But I've been helping you since yesterday and now with this..." Pat stretched out his arms to make his point.

I scoffed. "Really? Weren't you the one who volunteered to help me?" I replied in a mocking tone.

"How can my faen so shameless, making his beloved man overwork and not even promising him anything in return," Pat continued with another dramatic sigh.

I looked at him with a frown. Actually I wanted to rebuke his protest. But on second thought, I think Pat really does helping me alot and deserve a reward. Hmmm ....

"Okay then Pat, if you're able to finish this task before dinner time without complaining, let's go on a date this Saturday."

"Yes! Let's go on ...," The exciting voice becomes silent as the realization starts to sink into the owner's mind.

"A DATE!" Pat was repeating with high tone as he still didn't believe in hearing the right word. "Did you really say that we will go on a date on saturday, Pran?"

"Yes...I'll go whenever you will take me to this Saturday," I nodded. "We need to buy new mug anyway," I added.

I was surprised seeing how Pat eyes and face were glowing more with happines. Another second later I was engulfed so tightly by my super excited faen.

"P-Pa-Pat!! To-to-tight-pl-please-please... can't-I-I-can't-breathhhh!" I complained while poked his side with my left hand, trying to save my own life from being strangled to death.

Pat quickly let go of his arm. "Sorry, I was too happy." Pat worriedly checked if he hurt me.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "I know. I'm fine now," I confirmed, noticed the worry flashing in those beautiful glowing eyes. I cupped Pat right jaw with my left hand, and stroke it gently. "I want to have a date with you, so let's finish the diorama together as quickly as possible. You know me, I wouldn't go anywhere before my task was done, right?"

Pat chuckled at my word. Fortunately, the glint of worry had disappeared and was replaced with happiness in his beautiful eyes.

"Deal!" Pat nodded in agreement. Suddenly...


I just blinked my eyes when I felt warm kisses bestowed upon my forehead, nose, and lip!

"That's my down payment thou," Pat whispered slyly before he sat back down and went on to work.

"Pat, youuu...!!!!"


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