Secret 3-2

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Pran's dorm room

Finally! I threw myself on the bed. What a tiring day! I just finished my proposal project with my friends and it took us more than 4 hours to finish it.

Maybe because I was too tired, unconsciously I fell asleep. After sometime, I regained my consciousness and slowly started to open my eyes which were still heavy. I had to blink a few times to adjust the light in the room, which was previously bright, but now was dimmed by the soft light of the bedside lamp.

With a soft groan I woke up and swung my arms up. That's when I realized that someone's was holding my right arm. That person was still snoring softly on his stomach with my right arm tangled with his muscular right arm. Yawning, I tried to pull my arm without making the topless giant dog beside me wake up.

"Hmmn," Without opening his eyes, Pat complained and tightened his grip.

I tried pulling my arm again. "Pat, let me go. I need to go to the bathroom."

Pat opened his sleepy eyes but still holding my hand.

"Pat," I tried to persuade him, this time with gentler voice. "Na?" Okay, I used another weapon which was my smiling dimple.

Yes, thanks goodness it worked! Pat reluctantly let go my arm. I jumped out the bed and went to the bathroom.

After relieving myself, I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. I took out a cool soda and quenched my thirst when a pair of bulky arms engulfed my waist.

"Shia Pat!" Almost choked, I slapped Pat's arm hard. "Stop bullying the wrong person! Being a Head Hazer should make you wiser, Khun Pat," I quipped.

The giant dog ignored my complained and continued to sniffing around my neck from the back. Meanwhile one of his hand now took my right wrist and kissed it.

"What a busy day you had, my faen." He whispered on my right ear.

I turned toward him a confused gaze. "What?"

"A parrot told me that today someone trying to hit on you," Pat pouted and added, "It's only been a few weeks but you already have someone else asking to be my replacement."

Shia, Wai! It must be him who told Pat about the incident this afternoon. Even though it irritated me but inside I enjoyed seeing the jealousy in Pat's eyes.

"Also, someone has to pay for hurting my faen's wrist," He said softly, but the tone was fierce.

I frowned hearing him saying that, "Eh? What are you saying Pat? I am okay."

Pat raised one of his eyebrow, "No, you're not. That squid dares to make your wrist red like this."

I looked down and saw a maroon mark around my right wrist. I blinked several times, the looked up towards Pat who still glaring fiercely.

"Hey, it's okay na, it's just accident, not hurt," I said with soft tone. "If you want, you can kisses it to make it better," I winked.

Pat chuckled. "That's exactly what I am doing, Khun Pran," He teased me.

I smiled. "Then do it without frowning and grumbling, Khun Pat," I teased him back.

"Ah, sorry, I'll do it again properly then."

Suddenly I was spinned around that made me shriek in surprise. Then I felt butterflies kisses bestowed upon my right wrist. I sneaked my other arm around Pat's bare shoulder in order to keep my balance.

"How's that?" Pat asked me without letting go of the grip on the wrist.

"Better," I answered while smiling.

Pat seemed dissatisfied with my answer though. He tilted his head, as if searching for a better idea.

I really didn't like it when I saw the sudden sparkle in his eyes. Unconsciously i tried to move my face away from his. As expected, now Pat charged towards ... MY DIMPLE!

"Pat! Stop!" I tried to escape from his insistent kisses. I hit his shoulders, but I knew it was no use. "Pat!"

Reluctantly finally Pat broke the kiss and looked at me with satisfaction grin. "How about that?"

I hit his shoulder harder while trying to catch my breath. This big dog of mine was really love to frustrate me. I glared at him and pouted in turn.

Once again Pat chuckled. "So, faen, how's about that kiss? Better or best?"

Oho, so that what this giant dog needed, hah?

I smile and leaned on his left ear, "Better."
So amused seeing his happy expression turned unhappy.

"If you want me saying more than that, then show me more than that," I continued whispering the hint.

Apparently he catched my hint because once again his expression changed. This time the feral grin with dangerously sexy smile took over his face, making my poor heart forgot to skip a beat.

We stared at each other for I didn't even know how long, then slowly his face were moving closer and closer toward mine, until our noses touched. We kept staring at each other eyes when he leaned more and finally I felt his soft lips touched mine. That's when I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to enjoy the gentle kisses.

After a while Pat stopped kissing and whispered, "How about now, my faen?"

Still filled with euphoria, I replied in a hoarse voice, "Hmmm, the best. More!"

This time was my turn to kiss his smiling lips.


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