Secret 3-1

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"That's him! "
"Really? Are you sure? "
"Yes, those letter P on blue tote bag definitely his."
"But it could be anyone has the same bag too,"
"Nope, in this faculty only he has THAT BAG ... and look, who else has cute dimples on his handsome face... Must be him! "
"... But..."
"Ssstt! Don't be so loud! Phi Pran can hear you! "

I sighed.

Of course I could hear those buzzing gossipers whispered so loud behind my back for the past few weeks. This started to annoy me. It had been like this since the news of Pat and I broke up spread like a wild fire on both Engineering and Architecture.

"Phi..., excuse me Phi Pran."

I looked up and see a tall man standing next to me.

"Phi, may I seat here?" Without waiting for my answer he sat in front of me and said, "What are you doing Phi?"

What a brave kid. Without replying, I just kept staring the newcomer. Who was this kid? Did I know him? Why he acted like we're a friend?

"Phi? "

The nong looked back at me like a puppy, waiting for my answer.

"You are ...?"

Ignoring my sarcastic respond, the kid answered happily, "My name Daze, first student of Architecture, one of Phi Techno' peer-mentee."

I knew Techno, he was my second-year peer-mentee.

"So, what are you doing Phi?"

Damn, this kid's so persistent.

"I was studying, but now I should go back home." I stood up and gathered my things. "Bye kid, nice to meet you."

"But Phi, wait ... "

I took my phone and kept walking while punching Wai's number. Just as Wai received my call, suddenly someone grabbed my wrist from behind, forcing me to stop walking.

I turned around and met another stranger. He was at similar height as me, but a lot bulkier than me. His blond hair and with a black earing on his left ear, not to mention his navy blue jacket he wore, made him stand out. I bet he was from engineering faculty. But why he was here and attacked me? Aish...

I pushed my wrist out of his grip while staring intently at him. "Do I know you?"

"He just want to talk to you, why can't you be nicer to him, hah?"

Eh? What's he was talking about? This arrogant beast not even answering my question!

"Ai Jack!" The nong from before was now standing next to the beast (well, I decide to call him that from now on because he didn't even bothered to introduce himself to me!).

I was surprised when the nong actually slapped the side of that beast head pretty hard. "What are you doing here?"

"He ignored you! After you're finally able to muster up the courage to talk to him, how dare he just ignores you like that!"

Hmmm, interesting! But did I really have time to watch this live drama? Maybe I should go away right now...

"It's okay, Phi Pran is busy," The nong from before talking softly to the beast.
"Please, don't make a scene, na?"

The beast in front of me still looked like he want to punch me but the nong next to him was able to restrain him.

Honestly I didn't know what to do or say with this situation. But I really don't want to have any kind of fight with someone, especially from that faculty. Aish, what should I do? Just right before when I opened my mouth to say something ...

"Ai Pran, what took you so long, we've been waiting for eternity, man!"

My shoulder suddenly felt heavy as Wai's arm wrapped around me. I couldn't hide my relieved smile when I saw all my friends gathered next to me.

"Ah, looks like there's a strayed puppy here." Wai smirked at the beast, ready to start a fight.

"Nong, just a kind reminder, this Phi is a special person to your Hazer. Please being wise and don't make a trouble here, understand?"

"Hoi Wai, stop it," I poke his side and gave him a warning glare. Wai pouted but complied.

The nong looked at me and said with pleading voice, "We are sorry Phi Pran, this friend of mine is a bit protective. But he doesn't mean to hurt you Phi."

I nodded my head and without saying a word walked away with my best friends.


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