"Okay, pretty good, right?" Sam asked.

"Ah, I'd say you both made a solid A. Despite this not being a group project, I'll let this slid, just this once." The teacher said as he handed Sam and Y/n two grades papers, each with an A stamped at the edge. The brothers high fives each other and ran out of the classroom to their father, who was waiting for them outside in his car.

"So?" Their father asked.

"We both got As! Look!" Sam said excitedly as he showed the papers to their dad.

"Well, alright. Looks like two boys are getting cars today." Their father said. Later, as they were driving to the dealership, Sam tapped his brother on the shoulder.

"Hey, how come you didnt tell anyone about the tools from our project being on eBay?"

"Becuase, no one is gonna buy any of that crap. Besides, didnt feel right for us trying to sell great granddad's glasses." Y/n said.

"It could make us a bunch of money, though." Sam said.

"Or, we could keep them and show them to out great grandkids. How about that?" Y/n countered.

"You think too far ahead, Y/n."

"You dont think far enough."

They pulled into a used car lot full old rusted cars. Sam was not happy about this.

"Really, dad? You said half a car, not half a piece of crap." Sam complained.

"When I was your age I would have been happy with four wheels and an engine." Their father said.

"I like older cars. They have more personality." Y/n said.

"And the ones that have dents, scratches, and rust?" Sam asked.

"Just means they have a story to tell." Y/n says smiling. They are approached by the owner of the lot, Bobby Bolivia.

"Gentlemen. Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs. How can I help you?"

"My boys here, looking to buy their first cars."

"You come to see me?" Bobby asked.

"We had to." Sam said, who then received an elbow in the side from his brother.

"That practically makes us family. Uncle Bobby B, baby. Uncle Bobby B." Bobby says shaking Sam and Y/n's hands.


"Y/n, nice to meet you."

"Let me tell you boys something. Your first enchiladas of freedom awaits underneath two of those hoods. Let me tell y'all something. A driver dont pick the car. The car'll pick the driver.  It's a mystical bond between man and machine. Boys, I'm a lot of things, but a liar's not one of them. Especially not in front of my mammy. That's my mammy." Bobby points to an elderly woman sitting on the lawn of a nearby house. "Hey, mammy!" The old woman flips Bobby the bird as he waves. "Dont be like that. If I had a rock, I'd bust your head, bitch. I tell you, man, she deaf, you know?" Bobby laughs before leading the boys over to some cars.

The cars he takes them to are a pair of old, rusted sports cars. One is a yellow and black Camaro with chunks of metal missing from the chassis. The other is a red 1971 Plymouth GTX that looks like it was thrown under a cargo ship.

"Well, over here, every piece of car a man might want or need." Bobby says.

Sam and Y/n inspect the cars, Sam takes a liking to the yellow one as Y/n looks at the red one. Y/n slowly walks around the car, running his hand across its chassis. He runs a finger across one of the larger scrapes on the chassis.

"Now, what sort of story do you have to tell?" Y/n asks the car, as if he expects it to answer. He opens the driver side door and sits down. He walks back around to the front and sees a strange symbol where the car's company logo would be.

 He walks back around to the front and sees a strange symbol where the car's company logo would be

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"How much for both cars?" Their father asks.

"Well, considering the classic nature of the cars. The slick wheels and custom paint jobs... seven grand." Bobby says.

"Nope, not paying over six."

Sam and Y/n protested, but Bobby continues to show them some other cars. However, both the red and yellow cars almost seem to come to life, their radios give off an ear piercing sound wave, blowing all the windows out of the other cars in the lot. Bobby looks at the damages in shock before turning back the boys.

"Six thousand!"

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