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chapter nine.

yara azaran

I walk to my office quickly since the keys to the secret passage were hidden in there. I take out the gun from my pocket and hold it tightly in my hand as I stand outside the door.

The fucking door was locked from the outside. I let out a scoff, clicking my tongue before kicking the fucking door open. I hold the gun high, ready to shoot at anyone in my way.

"Fuck," I hiss as my eyes land on the unconscious body laying on the floor, blood pouring from it but not too much.

I take a step closer to the body and use my foot to turn the body, allowing me to see its face. I scoff, watching his eyes slowly and holding his wounded arm.

"What the hell are you doing here, Asahi?" I tilt my head, pointing my gun straight at his forehead.

"Having a lovely nap down here," he forces a smile, "Wanna join?"

I click my tongue at him, bending down and pressing my gun against his forehead, "What did you do with Ember? You bastard, why did you have my gun? And why did it have blood on it?"

"Blood?" Asahi stares at me in confusion, "I'm the one confused here. I fucking got shot, Yara."

"And?" I scoff, "Should I put another bullet through your other arm?"

"Yara, do you see that fucking window?" Asahi points and my eyes land on the broken window, making it obvious that someone had escaped through there.

"And your gun?" Asahi scoffs, "Why would I ever touch your gun? My gun is right there," he glances at the gun on the floor on the other side of the room.

I walk towards the gun and pick it up, noticing that the gun was an exact copy of mine but it was different if inspected closely.

"When did you get this?" I glance at him, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Today. It was left on my desk," he mutters.

"I'll keep it," I state, walking towards him and helping him stand up.

I'm assuming that someone had planned this so Asahi would look like the suspect.

"Did you think I was behind this mess?" Asahi scoffs, holding onto me as we walk towards the medical room.

"I still believe it," I chuckle, "You can't trust no one around here, especially when there are only two house heads left."

"The two most impossible to touch," he chuckles, "I doubt anyone will touch you."

"I got shot before," I roll my eyes at him, "What makes you think I won't get shot again?" I scoff, opening the medical room's door and letting him sit on the bed.

His eyes travel to the bed next to him and his eyes widen in shock, "What the hell happened to Ciro?"

"Stabbed," I murmur, glancing at a sleeping Ciro, "But he's stable now."

"Another one?" Mr Khan, the doctor in charge of the medical room, walks up to us, inspecting Asahi's arm.

"Hey, Doc," I wave, "Fix his arm up, I'm gonna need him soon."

"Miss Yara, you and your house always bring the most patients to me," he sighs, taking a seat to soothe Asahi's wound.

"That's me giving you chance to do your job," I feign a smile before walking out of the room.

I walk through the hallway, twirling the keys of the secret passage between my fingers as I look outside the window.

I put the keys in my pocket, smiling as I hold the gun tight in my pocket before I take a left and lean on the wall.

"Why, hello there, stranger," I smile, pointing my gun at the stranger standing in front of me and shooting the gun out of his hand before he could even pull the trigger of his gun which was aimed at me.


Crystallite | ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang