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After reading the message, Boma froze in shock, unable to believe her eyes. She stared at the note for a few more seconds before finally collecting herself.

For the first time, she keenly observed her surroundings. No one seemed to be paying her any particular attention.

She then closely examined the VIP section, separated by an elegant partition made of sturdy sticks intricately assembled to form a fence-like structure.

Attempting to gain a clear view of the area proved challenging as the partition stood about five feet high. Struggling to catch a glimpse, she hesitated to rise to her feet, aware that doing so would draw unwanted attention.

Quickly folding the note, she stashed it in her jeans pocket, her heart pounding.

Ignoring the warnings against venturing here, she had succumbed to foolish pride. Now, with reality hitting hard, she contemplated a timely departure.

Anxiously wary of being observed, she dialed her friend's number, hoping for a swift answer. Thankfully, her friend picked up promptly.

"Hilda," she said urgently, not waiting for Hilda to speak.

"What? Is everything alright?"

"Don't come to Dazzle Bar. I'm already on my way out. I'm sorry I came here."

"It's okay. I'm almost there already. You sound breathless. Are you okay?"

"Yes," Boma answered, rising to her feet.

Pretending the bar's music was interfering with the call, she carefully grabbed her bag and walked away from the table, heading towards the exit.

"I'll meet you outside the bar. I'm already walking out."

"Great. Okay. I'll meet you there."

Boma tried not to move furtively as she headed outside. Once on the terrace, she walked forward, avoiding the people trying to get into the bar and a couple of guys in rough dark jackets who were lingering outside. As she attempted to pass them, they subtly moved, trapping her between them.

Her heart thundered as both casually placed a hand on her shoulders, causing her to pause. She looked up at them, fear evident in her eyes.

The taller of the two, Phillip, possessed a rugged appearance that suited his age, which was around the same as Donovan's. His features were angular and slightly weathered, giving him a rough charm. Though there was an air of danger about him, it was tempered by a certain youthful attractiveness. Beside him stood Standfast, a bit shorter but no less imposing, with a sneer playing on his lips.

Standfast, around nineteen, had a more rugged demeanor compared to Phillip. His face, while not conventionally handsome, bore the marks of someone who had seen their fair share of trouble. He had a solid build, indicating a readiness for action rather than words. His eyes held a steely intensity, hinting at a volatile temperament kept in check only by Phillip's presence.

As Boma looked up at them, fear gripped her heart. She could feel the tension radiating from the two young men, and it sent a shiver down her spine. Unsure of what to do next, she searched for an escape route, her mind racing with thoughts of how she had landed herself in this predicament.

Seeing there was no way of escape, she decided to feign courage, raising her chin despite her fear.

"Let me go," she demanded, managing to meet their gazes.

"Our Point One wants to see you," Phillip calmly informed her.

The title Point One sent a chill down her spine, threatening to shake her facade of courage. Hilda had warned her that it was the title for fraternity leaders. As if realizing the depth of the danger she was in for the first time, she encouraged herself to remain steadfast.

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