Crumbling Walls

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Evan in the pic

A loud metallic clatter resonated in the room as the two creatures present in it were gawking each other with horror, pain, love, hate & many undistinguishable expressions.

“Evan what are you doing? You were supposed to kill him” ethan asked when he saw his brother staring at Vincent.

“Seems like your death is in written by my hand” ethan smirked & he picked his sword up aiming to shed his pathetic blood on the ground but the only blood shaded was of his brother.

Evan was shielding Vincent by his body due to which the sword clashed on his neck but luckily ethan pulled out at the right time it could only give him a light cut.

Vincent let out a loud growl smelling his mate’s blood scent.

“What are you doing?” ethan asked in shock,

“I have imprinted”

And silence the room suddenly felt colder by the tension,

“Ethan you were supoosed to be. What's going in here? why Vincent is...”
Aran who abruptly barged in the cell couldn't countinue because his eyes were busy taking in the bruises present on Vincent's body,

“Vincent was the one who planned to hook that amulet on your paw so you can’t defend yourself, & here our evan has imprinted on him” ethan explained with baffled expression which mistakenly taken by hatred by evan,

“Release him”

“What?” Both Evan & ethan were shocked but ethan was more vocal.

“What what, I said release him, he is your brother’s mate for god sake you know how painful it would be for him to see his mate on this condition” Aran tried to smack some logic in him but the evident glare he got proved otherwise.

Aran shook his head at the stubbornness of alpha & walked forward to untie his chains,

“I knew you omegas are stupid, emotional fools. Come on release me & you won’t live another day” Vincent snarled which eneded with ethan’s animalistic growl,

“I am looking forward to see what you do next, but I do hope you will man up enough to fight eye to eye with this omega” aran snickered, & grunted because his hands were trying to stop ethan from ripping his head off.

“I give you my word that he won’t do anything because if he does he’ll lose every possibility of having a life with his mate” till quite evan suddenly spoke, more like warned Vincent whose eyes softened at his bleeding mate.

Aran dragged ethan out of the room like a mother drags a bratty kid out of chocolate store with the whole pack house as the audience.

“What were you trying to do down there, don’t you know who he is? You could have started a war between supernaturals” aran angrily bombarded his questions on ethan the second they entered the room.

“His father would have understood that he got what he deserved to harm you” ethan replied in the same angry tone thinking that the guy tried to kill his ‘his highness’ is still alive & now is mate of his baby brother.

“He didn't harmed me. He tried Yes, but did he succeeded NO, he didn’t. I am standing in front of you completely fit & fine. So tell your alpha dog to get some chill” aran yelled.

“Completely fit & fine huh because I don’t think the aran I know will cry latching into my arms. I am not stupid okay, I know it is something related to your past, but I am okay with your terms of not telling me but atleast let me protect you from the present threats when I can’t from your past nightmares” ethan was angry he wanted rip his head away & aran was desperate to stop ethan from going behind vincent’s head so he said what he could muster,

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