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(Tony's pov)

Me, Steve, and Natasha were on a mission to check out some building that contains an agency that is working with Hydra or something like that

What? Did you expect me to fully pay attention to a meeting at 3 in the fucking morning?

I mean its not like I was asleep, but are you kidding me?!

But the reason we had to have it at 3am was because a mutant(? It was unclear) was going to be sent over to Hydra today so we had to get there early enough to catch them (Thank you Friday for recording the meeting, your a life saver, litteraly most times)

Anyway we got close to a clearing in the forest with a really boxy building, its so bad looking, barely any windows and its pure white, not smart for a 'secret' building in the middle of a fucking forest. Seriously we found it on goddamned GoogleMaps!

(Natasha's pov)

The build was mostly empty, a few agents here and there. Some scientists aswell, they seemed to be recording data of something and or someone

But I will admit this place is weird, we found an empty cell that was labeled 'Subject H-01' which was coated in a mixture of blood and a green substance, the further we go past it the more of the slightly glowing green substance we see... What ever this stuff is, it looks like whatever produced it, was dragged through these halls a lot, over a long amount of time

The stuff smelled sickly sweet, overpowering the sent of cleaning products that was hanging thick in the air, it was not a pleasant mixture of scents in any sense of the form
Seriously I can handle sewers and rotting body's but this smell makes me want to gag slightly
It should not be possible to make a smell this bad and yet here we are

We walked through the halls checking out every room we passed, the further we went the more agents we found, it seemed that whatever we were getting closer to was important, because you really wouldn't have this much security protecting something not important unless it was a trap, but I'm prepared for that

Checking another room it was huge, it was full of what seemed to be torture machines, and more of the green substance was everywhere, even on the ceiling in some places
It looks like whatever produced the stuff was thrown around here with a lot of force if the cracks are anything to tell by

Looking around more there were machines closer to the walls surrounding what seemed to be a training mat. The machines were clean, but everywhere around them was covered in the strange green substance. The mat was in the worst condition, it was soaked with the stuff, patches of the substance were on and around it

Suddenly a small black blur ran across the room and towards the double doors on the other end of the room
It stopped infront of the doors showing that it was infact a kid- Hold on- they have a collar on-

This kid was probably the one being experimented on-
They were dripping with the green substance. Seeing as the stuff is coming out of the cuts littering their body, its probably their blood
Thats mildly horrifying, seeing as how much of the stuff is around the place
Their hair was matted with red blood and the green blood, hiding its original color. Probably a light color seeing how well it was covered

They were thin and their back was covered with scars apon scars, they were definitely tourtured here
its bad, on par with some of the stuff I've seen Hydra do to others

They turned around looking right at us with a looks of confusion that morphed into one of focus, right before they bolted through the doors and towards the open window hidden just behind

He jumped, disappearing somewhere, probably into the forest

Who was the kid?

Why was their blood green?

Why did they have a collar on?
Because they had powers of some sort? Or just for control and dehumanizing? Or both

(A/N its both Nat, its both)

"Looks like we have a kid to follow" Tony spoke after a few seconds of scanning the tree line, he was already heading back towards the rest of the building "first we check out the rest of the building, and download any files they might have, then we go out and search for the kid, now let's go shut this place down. Fast"

~☆Time Skippity☆~

We searched the forest after all the agents of the apparent 'Guys in White' agency were arrested, not only for the
expirementing/torture they did to the kid but also for claiming to be an government agency, we needed to find the kid from the files and fast seeing on how bad he was injured and that Fury wanted him in the database because of the abilities that were mentioned in the documents the group had
(which to be honest they surprisingly didn't have much on the kid, despite them being with the GiW for apparently only 3 years)

We searched for basically the whole day, only finding the collar way past sunset, and seeing as it was 428 miles away he probably was long gone by now if he kept running

Im surprised that he kept running for this long, especially with how bad his condition was back at the building its a surprise he could even walk with how bad he looked to be honest

"Alright I say we head back after it hits 11pm" Tony said over the coms, while he hovered above the forest canopy

"Thats fair, we won't be able to find them after it gets darker" Steve responded while he was

I stopped on a branch in the biggest tree around where we found the collar, I couldn't hear anything but the shuffle of leaves and my own breath as well as the crow sitting on the branch above
I stayed up there for a while, gazing around the area

I could almost swear I felt a presence above me, but when I checked there was nothing, but a snapped twig and the crow staring at me

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