chapter 4

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.wait what? am i hearing this right? he likes me too? but wait why am i not that happy? ,"so Creda even though you told me bout your feelings first, but i might wanna ask you , be my girlfriend please ", he just asked me and i was so shocked and when i look to the side Lucas was there , he was getting to class and am sure he have heard it too, why am i thinking of this stranger while my crush is finally asking me to be his girlfriend , i can't understand, but this stranger also was the only one who was helping me the whole day right ? " yea" i said out loud answering for the question in my mind , but shit i just said yea for being Jake's girlfriend too, it ain't like i didn't wait for this moment for long, but there still was something missing and i don't know what , then he hugged me " am just so glad Creda , so we will be going out after class, well we do that but this will be different will be a "date date"", i am happy but not full happy , then we walked to class and he was holding my hands," yo guys guess what ,me and Creda are officially dating from now on" Madeline's eyes were full of tears but and Lucas was smirking , "since you two are dating you guys should sit together too, it will be cute so the girl who used to sit next to Jake.. can you come here and sit next to me?" Lucas said and the girl just was so happy and she went and sat with out hesitating , well duh Lucas is just so hot and every girl's eyes were on him too...." then me and Jake sat together, but my eyes were on my sit , still don't know why am being like this ...

...i can feel Madeline's evil eyes on me... then the teacher entered , but the i wasn't even able to focus on a single thing , then school was over and i was so excited but then the principal called us all outside to tell the exam schedule but then i went to the bathroom to wash my face , as i washed my face and was bout to go out Madeline came and stood in front of me but then i left and went but she was following me ..."stop Creda , why did you do this, girls code ,you can't date a guy who is your bestie's crush remember?", she said and i laughed and turned around to her " we are ex bestie's fyi , and i wasn't the one who was trynna still the boy my bestie likes , you did all this and look where it got you"...i was so angry and then i started walking to the crowd where everyone was waiting for Mr. Mark "you haven't even had your first kiss yet and do you think you can make Jake happy?" she said , "oh yeah first kiss? i will show you".. i said and started walking to Jake but she came and pushed me which made me fall on Lucas but the most shocking part was as we fall down our lips touched and everyone witnessed , i froze and him too, and everybody was staring at as, "did you just kiss Lucas" Madeline shouted and yeah, did i just kissed Lucas, is this a kiss now? my first kiss?, shit , then i stood up and looked at Jake, he was angry and started coming to me, i closed my eyes " please please don't hit me , i didn't do it on purpose i swear she was the one.." then he just hugged me and pat my head.."shh Creda cool down, i was here i have seen everything, she pushed you, well am not happy that your lips touched but was just an accident , so will pass it, and bout the first kiss nah, that ain't a kiss , but this is"...he said and he kissed me , but it didn't felt right , no butterflies no ntn... was just a simple thing, but i know i kind of felt something during the incidence with Lucas, then i smiled and hugged him, didn't know what else i was supposed to be doing, then i saw Lucas walking and Madeline stormed off too, then Mr. Mark came and saw us hugging while everybody was just staring on us, it's like my life is a drama and the school be watching every episode of it, cause on those dramatic moments the whole school is always there.....

"ok ok cut this romance off and listen".. Mr. Mark said telling us bout our exams then we went to his home like always but this time it was uncomfortable then we went to his room then sat on the bed, then he got closer to me and i was getting farther till i rich the corner and was about to fall, this has been the thing i have always dreamed of but it seems like i ain't being happy at all, then his phone rang and he hang up looking only at me, but the phone the phone kept on ringing so he switched it off, now i was feeling scared then he kissed me and i kissed him back, not cause i enjoyed it, but what else should i be doing ,it's weird to not kiss him back, but then i stopped and said "o i think i need to go mom will be waiting for me for our time together", "but Creda since when does your mom comeback home early on Mondays"...i forgot it was Monday , mom is always working late except Friday and Sunday "umm yeah but today she will be here, see ya at school i said and rushed out, i was just feeling so weird and mixed signals were like killing me too, but then i just started walking home , but i suddenly remembered i forgot my notebook in school , and i really need to get back, cause that notebook really is important to me ,then i run back to school, it's not allowed to stay at school when class is over so i sneaked in before anyone can see me then i walked to class and just opened the door and walked straight to the sit i used to sit on then started searching for it but can't find it nowhere, "you missed your sit already?" a voice came from behind and then shut the class.....


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