Chapter 14

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I was just so mad that he kept pm hiding things from me, not that am suspecting him but why, "Creda wait" he said following me but i was just so mad that I left him and got in to an Uber in front of me , "just ride back street 4 ,home number 067" I told him and just left


It's not that I didn't knew this was gonna happen one day but I really wanted her to find out from me, but now after the fight last time and me hiding this will make it hard for her to just forgive me , "Lucas , are you for real, you just left me without paying and I had to pay for my dress while Creda gets it for free? " Was she for real now, she really expected me to pay for her .. Creda is my girl and she have all the right over me unlike this hoe, so I just ignored her and just went to the car but she kept on saying lotta things, u just ignored her as I was about to drive away without her she opened the car door with an anger wait I searched for Creda's dress but then realized that I left it , " shit" "now what" Linda said with anger in her voice " the dress I think I left it their" then as I was about to get off of the car " it's with me I took it with mine cause you just left " can you just drive , I will give it to her when we reach their and will explain to her that we were just in the last and that I said the things just cause I was so mad that you fall in love this quick and when I saw her treating her right" I didn't wanted to trust her but since the homecoming was tomorrow Creda should have the dress with her , so I just agreed and then we went , I will try to make it up to her by some way .

we reached home and as we were about to enter "let me hand this to Creda , she might be mad at you so I better be the one to give her the dress" she said and walked without hearing my opinion, I really didn't wanted her to be the one to give her the dress but I was so stressed and was thinking how to make it up to her so I just didn't say a thing "but before giving her let me put my dress in my room and my bags too" she said and run home, I don't get it if it was just to hand her she actually didn't need all this, but whatever she was just so annoying , I said and walked home too


I just wanted to be left alone now, I was so upset , so I just entered home and sat on the couch but then some minutes later someone knocked the door, well mom have a key so it was gonna be Lucas for sure "Lucas please just go I wanna be alone" but the door kept on knocking , ugh I stood to open the door "can you just give me privacy" I said opening the door but then I saw Linda "hey, am not Lucas but he told me to give you this dress cause you know you are so dramatic, he even told me the dress wasn't that good but you won't have enough time to buy a new one so just take this ugly dress, and don't worry even though he's my ex I won't be trying to hookup with him or try to do anything weird, you just enjoy my left over" she said and walked away God I was so mad "Left over?, you guys have never even kissed" I said out loud "who said that?, did he" well I wasn't even gonna trust what she was saying this whore can make up a lot of stories to ruin us and I know what false rumors can do , so am not gonna trust her "you know what , I love him and I trust him, I don't know how he fall for you , but you know we end up in some bad places before landing in the right one, and now look what he landed on, uhh a pretty and hot girl, even a smart one, bye " I said and shut the door on her face

this girl really is a pain on the ass , I just went to my room to take a rest , I left a note to my mom to not disturb me and she will see it when she gets back to home, I started thinking plans to the homecoming am gonna be the queen and I won't lose for this new brat , then i felt asleep as i was thinking bout my plans , on the morning i didn't wanted to go to school so i can get ready , school was half day since we have homecoming later night so i went to bed for some more hour of sleep but then woke up by a call from Madeline, it's weird that she is calling me but then i noticed that she have been calling too much , but then Lucas called , was it all cause i didn't went to school? , i didn't wanted to pick it up now i wanted to get ready , do my hair and nails, so i left my phone home then i took shower before leaving , i then went straight to the hair saloon and got my hair and nails done , and even light makeup i looked like a goddess i don't put on any makeups but still looked good and now wow am in love with myself forreal , I then bought a black heel then went home it was mom's free day and she was stunned by my look "wow my baby, you look so good, you reminded me about my homecoming night, memories, so put on your dress, and why was Lucas rushing to see you haven't you guys talked about the time you guys will meet?" she asked "no mom maybe it's cause we fought a little" "you guys have been in a relation for days and look at you" i smiled and left to my room, i haven't seen the dress since she gave it to me , so i went to put it on but as i saw it i shouted "Creda, what happened " mom said coming to me , but i was stunned to speak " l..l...l.oo..k" i was shaking as i showed mom the dress it was ripped like so bad ,it was unfixable , and it's way too late to buy other dress "mom she did it , i know she did it" i said and i was trying not to cry or else i will end up ruining my make up.. what am i gonna do now?

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