chapter 7

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but it didn't felt like before it was weird , that was when i knew i was dreaming and my phone woke me up, i don't know the number so i hang up and went back to sleep, but then i remembered i gave her my number so i called the number back, "hello..,Lucas?" was her, her voice is calming like it is in real life, but it is sexier by phone, "yeah ofcourse so you really called, you want me to come and eat you? ow i mean you want me to come and eat dinner with you right?" she was quiet for a second...."chill girl it was a joke", i said then she breathed slowly, "well okay , and you can come yeah" she said .."okay Creda " i said and she hang up, i won't be worrying bout what i am going to wear right?, it's gonna be weird .. so i just walked out but i made sure to put my perfume on, well i like to smell good... then i went to her home and knocked but she wasn't answering but as i tried to open the door it opened so i just went it, well she called me so it won't be weird for me to appear right, then i walked in and the first thing i saw was her pic hanging on the wall, she was smiling and God she really looks so gorgeous , idk why but i really wanted to take picture of it but as soon as i was bout to take a picture she came " how did you get in am not ready", she said and i turned around, my jaws were dropped and i wasn't able to look away, she was wearing black top and shorts and uhh she really looks so hot, "God don't stare at me look away" she said and when she was bout to rush back and wear something she hit her leg on a chair , so i went to help her, her skin was so smooth and her checks turned red even her body was warm, "tnx but please i don't need your help it's nothing she said and then she stood up , i can see she is in a real pain cause her legs have turned red but then she managed to walk , but i still was lost by her hot look, then she came back wearing a long tshirt and sweatpants, God she still looks so cute, she is just so natural, then she took me to the dinning table then we started having dinner,it'd obvious that's it's home made and her mom ain't there so she cooked was so delicious "did you..","yeah i made it, and yeah i know it's so sweet" she cuts me off..."well i wasn't gonna say it's good am just eating cause am hungry haven't ate thinking you might be a good cooker", i said well my ego won't make me tell her the truth, but then we finished then she started picking up the plates to wash them and i gave her a hand cause it was a lot to carry then we went to the kitchen and she started washing the dishes but my eyes was just on her , i just can't control myself so i....

i ..... i moved a lil bit closer to her standing behind her back, then she turned around and looked at me.."w..h..a... what are you doing?"... she was shaking, her eyes are so pretty but then can show that she's scared, her lips are shaking too, then i just pulled her to me and touched her heart , it was beating so fast, but then as i moved to her lips the door knocked then she wanted to open the door, but i hold her, "who is it?" i asked her..." how could i know ? it might be my mom can you let me go please?' she said trynna get out of my hands , but then we heard the door unlock so i let her go...then she went to check who it was and i stayed in the kitchen ...."Oh , he left?" a boy said i was sure it was Jake... so i went out and said.."well well look who is here, are you this much insecure that she might ...well do something with me? cause am sure you are here just to check if she is still your girl or not right?" i gave him an evil smile.."she is my girlfriend i can come to her house at anytime" he said, "have you ever come to her house at night?" i said.."we just started a relation bro, and can you fuck off, you guys have finished eating right, so now it's time for me and her, so you can leave" he said....."well Creda he came and interrupted us we were in the middle of some important thing, but i just gotta go cause you made me finish my energy" she froze and he was looking at me like i already fucked her infront of his eyes...then i winked at her and it made him so angry then i left...


my body is in shock and i can feel that Jake is so angry , and why would Lucas act that weird? why would he say like that?, but why am i feeling those weird feelings whenever he comes closer to me,uhh..."What was he talking about?, i mean it's not that am suspecting you or something, i know it was my idea but what was he saying? have he done anything?" Jake asked me..."wait what? no? he was just messing with you, he's just a weird guy", i said giving him a fake smile, but then he started looking at me, "by the way , you really have a hot body, even when you are wearing like this, your body is just so perfect"...he said and kissed me, i wanted to kiss him back but i just froze, i was thinking bout Lucas, "Creda, what are you thinking about?, am i a bad kisser?" ..."ow no Lucas it's not like that" then his eyes went red, wait what did i just called him?...

"i think i better go" he said and walked silently, i didn't even tried to stop him, i was just asking myself why i called him Lucas in this situation, a boy i met now will make me forget the dude i have been in love with for years , this is just so weird i really wanted to discover what was happening, i must know my feelings, cause am not feeling the things that i feel with Lucas with Jake, it's just soo different with Lucas, but then the door knocked and i went to open,it was Lucas , "i forgot my watch here i guess" he said but then i just pulled him by his shirt and closed the door "wow what was that?" he said but i just kissed him and he kissed me back too, it's weird cause it felt right and i was feeling everything with him , then he hold me and took me to the table and started kissing my neck, i felt goosebumps all over my body but then he pulled my shirt off, and i actually didn't wanted to stop him, then he stopped and started looking at me..."what?" i said covering my body, "nothing , you are just so hot"..he said and gave me a smile, then he started kissing my lips then started going downit was my first time but God it felt so good, " how bout Jake tho?" he asked me " fuck him " i said and i was surprised by myself too, but then he smirked and then he removed his shirt, God he have the perfect body , then he kneeled down and slowly took off my sweatpant , i wanted to stop him this time but i wasn't able too stop him , "but then he looked at me and said, it's our first time , new thing for us both...wanna discover it or you want me to stop here?" i really wanted for him to continue but "i think it's enough for now, we will continue other time"...shit why wouldn't i just go with the mood, "hmm are you sure cause it doesn't look like that" he said ..."what no ,'s not like that..' but then he started kissing my thighs and my voice began to break , God are we gonna fuck? are we both gonna lose our virginity? but wait what bout Jake , this is just too far, ' wait stop, no this ain't right at all, what am i doing, i have a boyfriend , you have a girlfriend, no no we can't , we just can't", i said then went down from the table and wore my tshirt, then i went to the dinning table and i foun his watch, you better dress up and go," i said, "but me and my girlfriend already.." 'shhh please don't remind me you have a girlfriend just go please".."but what i wanted to say was".."just go" i shouted on him, then he dress up then.."remember you were the one who made the first move this time, so there is something going on, discover that", he said and took the watch and he went out ......

i sat on the sofa trynna discover what was happening, i though i was in love with Jake this whole time but when i got him, i was feeling something else, what should i do?

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