Chapter 24

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A few days later it is the night of christmas eve 

It is 6:00 at night and Isabel was laying on Danes Lap asleep when they were watching a movie  and Dane carried Isabel up to his room and fell asleep 

In the morning at 4:30 am 

Isabel was up in his room in the Dark and getting presents ready 

But she was making a lot of noise 

Dane- good morning Darlin’ 

Isabel- oh im sorry i didn't mean to wake you up 

Dane- well im up now

ISabel- well i was just going to wrap some gifts

Dane- ahh ok then 

He got up and walked up to her and grabbed her hands 

Dane- so uhh 

They were just looking at each other and were about to kiss 

Knock knock 

Lori- Dane ISabel time for christmas presents 

Dane- haha lets go isabel 

Isabel- help me carry my presents down 

Dane- ok Darlin’ 

They carried her presents down 

Emma- oh hey guys

Anna- how was your night 

Emma- yea 

Dane- guys quit 

Lindsey- so lets open some gifts so mine first 

Dane was sitting on the couch and Isabel was sitting on the floor in between his legs and Emma was sitting next to dane and anne on the floor next to her and Steven and Lindsey on the other side of the couch and Lori on the floor across from them 

Lindsey handed all of them a gift 

Lindsey- and here is for you Isabel and you Dane and here is one for both of you 

Isabel- oh thank you 

Lindsey- open them 

Dane- we will open this one in a minute 

Isabel- ok 

Isabel opened hers and she got a really cute phone bag with a shoulder strap and a house key 

Lindsey- Isabel i really didn't know what to get you so i thought i would get a house key and something to go with it since i don't know you yet

Isabel- no this is beautiful 

Dane got a flashlight for his truck 

Dane- thanks mom 

Lindsey- your welcome 

Dane- you can open the gift for both of us 

Isabel- ok 

She opened it and it was a blanket that had a picture of them on the front kissing under the mistletoe the first time 

Isabel- aww 

Dane- thank you mom that is sweet 

Emma- our turn 

Anna- yes 

They handed out gifts

Anna- here isabel this is for you and Dane because i didn't know what to get you 

Isabel- that's ok 

She opened it and it was two key chains that were a magnetic heart that had Dane on on half and Isabel on the other

Anna- by they way the one that says dane is for you and the one that says Isabel is for dane 

Isabel- ok thank you 

Lori- ok it is my turn 

She handed out all of her presents 

Isabel- thank you

Lori- that is for you and Dane

Isabel- ok 

She opened it and it was otter box phone cases that were if you set them together they are one picture together

Isabel- aww this is so cute 

Dane- aww thank you 

Dane- ok ISabel 

Isabel- oh yea

She handed out her presents

Emma- aww thank you 

Anna- this is so cute

Lindsey- thank you 

Steven- sweet

Lori- thank you 

Dane opened his and she got him the bracelets for couples that magnetize together 

Dane- aww Darlin’ thank you 

Isabel- you welcome 

Dane- ok my turn 

He handed out all of his gifts 

Dane- here you are Darlin’ 

Isabel- thank you 

She opened it 

It was a picture playlist sign of them 

Isabel- aww 

Dane- i customized it 

Isabel- thank you 

She looked up at him and he leaned down and kissed her

Everyone was shocked 

Emma- what just happened

Dane- hahaha

Anna- ok im done he is a full on liar 

Dane- i never lied i just wanted privacy 

EMma- you know that won't happen 

Dane- oh-

Isabel- we know

Dane- oh my gosh i love you 

ISabel- haha i knew that the second day i seen you 

Dane- ok sassy 

Lori- ok lovebirds calm down 

Dane- haha lets watch a movie until we eat lunch 

Lori- ok 

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