→ chapter nine.

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Jake becoming Alpha was for the better. The Pack's feralness eased and then dissolved entirely, and even Leah couldn't deny she was happier with the current Alpha. As the weeks drew on and on, it became clear that, while Sam had been a good Alpha (minus the whole Leah/Emily/Sam debacle) that Jake had been born for it. He wore his Alpha-hood like a suit tailored for him. His knack for it was ingrained in his DNA. In spite of this, the Pack still struggled at times to view him as Alpha as opposed to their Pack brother.

Still it was the most content Leah had been in a long time.

"I need therapy," Leah muttered to herself as she pushed herself out of bed, raking her hands through her hair. Her body was stiff from last night's patrol in the rain, even after she stood under the hot spray once she climbed into her window, and she could feel it even now as she sat on the edge of her mattress. 

A long howl broke the quiet—a new patrol for her to join. 

She opened her bedroom window, shaking off the dregs of her drowsiness, and folded herself into the small opening, balancing on the balls of her feet before she pushed off the frame. Landing easily in the wet, tall grass, she stripped down as she walked into the woods, tied her clothes to her ankle, and transformed with a crunch.

Shaking out her coat, she began to walk briskly.

Clearwater, there you are! Paul laughed. Thanks for joining my patrol.

Paul was her favorite to patrol with. They worked as a seamless team but some nights they talked the entire time, about dreams and fantasies. He never brought up her pain that always lurked at the back of her mind and never started fights just to hurt her. 

There was a crackle in the Pack mind as another wolf Phased. In seconds, Leah recognized the tenor of thoughts. Paul did too, because he groaned loudly at the newest addition to the patrol.

Goddamn it, Paul complained.


Leah didn't acknowledge her most hated Pack brother and instead focused on her easy run. Focused on the sensation of rain-damp ground beneath her paws, the lingering scent of smoke in the air, the whistle of wind. 

Jared scoffed at Paul's remark. My sentiments exactly. Just who I want to patrol with: the Pack bitch and the Pack whore.

Instead of replying, Leah leaned forward and picked up her pace. The air was sweet and cold when she opened her mouth to breathe, and her eyes watered. But she kept going and forced herself to run faster. Anything to keep her from going off Jared who more than deserved it.

The forest whipped past her in a dizzying array of earth, untouched flora, looming silhouettes of trees, and nighttime sky. Like a gradient painting of blue-black, green, and brown.

Jared continued. I mean, really? What was Jake thinking? I'd rather patrol with Quil, and all that kid thinks about is girls. You two are the worst to patrol with.

Paul growled, and the rumbling sound echoed into the night silence. As if you aren't a pathetic pussy-whipped jackass. 'When can I see Kim? I miss her already! Kim, Kim, Kim,' he sneered.

Leah couldn't stop herself and slowed to a lazy trot that bordered more on a leisurely walk. You know what, you're right. I have been bitter and angry but I'm allowed to be.

Jared snarled. But you make everyone around you miserable.

She laughed but the sound was cold and humorless, dry. Maybe I wouldn't lash out if everyone didn't try to remind me every day of everything. If I was allowed to grieve. If I was allowed all the freedoms given to the rest of the Pack that I've been denied. The sooner you realize we aren't on equal footing as a Pack, the better. She shut up after that.

Paul snorted. Way to hit the nail on the head, Clearwater. There was a smile in the words that made her turn and pick up her pace once more, even as Jared spluttered and howled in frustration at being bested. He'd never been exceptionally bright. 

The patrol passed by quickly, partly because Paul was singing Mötley Crüe loudly and largely because she had to pour all her focus into ignoring Jared's bitching. Before she knew it, it was eleven thirty.

God, don't ever put me with those two again, Jared complained to Jake before he winked out of the connection. 

Leah sighed in relief. It had been getting harder and harder to block out Jared, even with Paul's impressive serenading, and truth be told, she'd been seconds from ripping his head off. 

Jake's dark intense eyes watched her for a moment. Leah, he began but she tuned him out, focusing only the drum of her heartbeat and the swish of air passing in and out of her nose. Leah? Can we talk?

Reluctantly she met his gaze and braced herself for a scathing reprimand or something of the kind. 

Become my beta. You're smart and strategic and I can't think of anyone else I'd want at my side.

The air went still, the only noise the drumming of her heartbeat in her ears as he watched her with dark, nervous eyes. 

Holy shit, Paul cackled. 

Are you...are you serious? she asked, gaping at Jake as disbelief colored her words. Her mind raced. The freedom, the power, but mostly the freedom.

Jake's black lips pulled back in an attempt of a grin. His eyes twinkled. Yeah, Leah, I am.

She swallowed, lowering her head as her mind spun in circles. Should she grasp that chance? Should she take the offer and hold it with all her strength? Was it a trap, another trick to back her into a corner? 

I think you'd like it, and I think it would fit you.

Leah backed away slightly as her hair stood on end. She wanted this so desperately she could taste it, wanted that freedom being his beta would grant her, but she was wary. It had to be a trap. Something else, something new, a responsibility to tie her even more to the Pack so she couldn't get a reprieve. 

She began to reply when there was a crackle. A new wolf had joined.

Seth's voice filled the Pack mind, far too chipper for almost midnight. His ability to remain so happy-go-lucky stumped Leah. I'm so ready to patrol with you, Jake! What an ass-kisser. That was until he noticed Leah. His voice was more subdued, his tone clear that he didn't want to see her. Oh, uh, hey, Leah. Aren't you leaving?

She turned before Jake could say anything and darted away. 

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