What you don't SEE you'll FEEL

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Renée's POV

We all covered our mouths and sat as still as the dead when the room's temperature suddenly dropped. We heard creaking then silence many times. Each time the creaking got louder and in turn we started shaking. One wrong move and we would fall out of the cupboard.

Zia's POV

I sat brooding in the toilets. A lot of time has passed since we were all in the playroom - alive. I miss it really...I checked my watch and the time was speeding up at the rate of probably an hour per second...I heard the doors slam shut and I jerked as I sat in the dusty corner of my cubicle. Standing up in urgent need of help I yanked and tugged at the lock - it didn't give way at all, like it was made of kryptonite: I'm trapped. Imminently, a dark misty substance trickled down the cubicle walls, creating a pool on the floor that rose as the hours flew by.

"AAAAAAAAAAAGH! Help me!" I cried, tears in my eyes and the "ink-like" mist was up to my hips as I stood on the toilet.

"Don't...waste...your...voice..." a voice whispered holding onto every 's' sound. I curiously looked around. Where was it coming from??

"You...can't...find...me...with...your...eyes...only...feel...me...with...your...soul..." the voices edginess ricocheted on the walls. I could literally feel the voice boom inside of me when it said "soul".

"You're next!" it snapped. A few seconds of silence and the mist entered me. Oh! The agony was unbearable. I lost my senses one by one: hearing, touch, taste, smell and lastly my sight. I had no control and I was gone.

Highschool Horror StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя