Just another day...

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Domo's POV

"Oh my god, seriously?!" Hitaki screamed. Hitaki was shorter than all of us but the loudest nevertheless. She whipped her short dark hair off her face successfully and made it look cool.

" What's wrong NOW Hitaki?" Hinata asked eating her chocolate cookie. She was a tall and athletic girl who rarely lost her cool.

"Dr. Clewless took my Percy Jackson book!!" Hitaki shouted - almost in tears.

"Haven't you read that book twice already?" I questioned but not looking the slightest bit interested - I'm not a Percy Jackson fangirl like she is. I crossed my legs elegantly and carried on drinking my water.

"Yeah, I remember you talking about it before the holidays," Renée added. Renée was my best friend: she had an amazing sense of humor. We were like Stan and Kyle(from my favourite show: South Park).

"Yeah, but you're missing the point!" Hitaki cried wiping away tears. It's times like this when I realise I'm not as much of an over emotional teenager than I think."This means war! If she wants it she's got! Who's with me?!" Hitaki continued enthusiastically raising her hand.

The only person to agree to this crazy idea was Karin: my ex-friend. She's obnoxious, deceitful and basically a second Eric Cartman(South Park reference). The only thing keeping me from murder is the law.

Karin jumps up to hug Hitaki vigorously just to rub it in my face that she's heartless. I'm not! I dream of a life without Karin, it's desirable. I hate her guts. She's a troll coated in flowers: They lure you under the bridge promising happiness and then they stab you in the heart.

With tears in my eyes, Renée looks at me and scoots over to hug me. I felt comfortable and safe with her long arms around me: shielding me from emotional and physical pain.

"That's a stupid idea! You'll get in trouble." Zia protested. Zia was a bit taller than Hitaki and her sense of humour was tainted by my mentioning of "dirty" jokes and MANY South Park references.

"I agree" Nainishawa said, not looking up from her book: The Maze Runner.

Renée's POV

I want to give that Karin girl a piece of my mind! You can't be best friends with someone but then drop them when someone else comes along. It's stupid! Domo feels broken on the inside and I can feel it. I miss her "can't touch this" attitude and terrible puns that we all laugh at...

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY! Renée you're staring into SPACE!!" Kawaiitashi (my friend came up with that name :-P) shouted playfully. She was about Zia's height and was great at taking selfies. I replied with a forced smile as I let go of Domo.

Hinata's POV

Domo was bawling now: her dark skin turning slightly red from the constant rubbing.

I don't get it...why is she crying? Some people aren't worth it and Karin is one of them. I offered her a tissue and Domo cleared the tears from her bloodshot eyes.

Karin's POV

Woohoo! Domo's crying!! As bad as it may sound I love seeing it. Since I'm so shallow, I play with people's emotions: especially Domo's, it's just SOOOOOOOO EASY! I smiled to myself as I read Percy Jackson with Hitaki and shared crisps that are Domo's favourite. I looked up and a hand hit my face causing redness to spread across my cheek.

"What was that for?!" I screamed!

"How can you be so ignorant?"Hinata said pointing at Domo and her minion. I just looked back to my book showing that I don't care about her at ALL.

Renée's POV

In Jesus' name!!! Can't she just leave Domo alone! A girl like Karin doesn't deserve a friend like Domo. I hope Domo forgets about her as soon as possible - she's just a waste of time.

Mrs.Ager, the headteacher, strode along with polished black heels, a flawless posture, short wavy blonde hair and makeup that didn't look overdone.


She shot up from her seat knocking Hitaki's book on the floor.

"Yes, miss!"

"Why are maggots in my tea?!"

"Oh...I dropped them?"

"And why exactly were you in the staff room?"

"I-I wasn't...miss but everyone else was! I was going to tell you but they said I couldn't"

"Who exactly is everyone else?"

"DOMO, Hitaki, Renée, Hinata, Kawaiitashi, DOMO, Nainishawa and Zia..."Karin said shakily, looking around at us. We all glared at her: she's getting us in trouble when we didn't do ANYTHING! Mrs.Ager should check the security cameras.

"DETENTION, all of you! In my office at 3:35pm" she shouted confidently, striding away in her heels.

"But miss--" I started.

"DOUBLE TIME!" she finished.

Domo's POV

I HATE that girl! It needs to burn in a pit of fire...I promise that her death is for the good of humanity. Why the hell did she say my name twice and with emphasis too! I know everyone agrees but they're just afraid to say it to her face. I'm sure I will one day very soon...

Nobody's POV

The eight girls stand up and walk to their next class as Hinata trips Karin and she lands flat on her face. The laughing slowly subsides as they all enter History class...

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