Chapter 044: Of Rats and Men- part 2

Start from the beginning

     Delvin's eyes widened and he finally really looked at Cicero. He was starting to recognize him as well. "And who are you, now? Cicero ye say?" he asked, straightening his posture in his chair.

     "That woman denied the word of the Night Mother and used the name of the Dark Brotherhood to line her own pockets. She betrayed the Dragonborn and the Dread Father... She deserved her fate."

     Delvin was surprised to see this stranger responding so passionately. Clearly, the topic had hit a sore spot for him. Then, it started coming together.

     "Ah... that's how I know your face... you're that clown that up'n burned the place down, right?"

     Cicero gasped, "I did no such thing!"

     "Yer arrival single-handedly brought down the entire sanctuary."

     "And rightfully so! The whole group was a farce! A joke that even I couldn't fathom!" Cicero stood up as his blood pressure rose.

     "Calm down, brother," Delvin leaned back in his chair passively, "We're all friends 'ere."

     Cicero glanced over at Vex seeing that she had her dagger drawn. He looked back down at Delvin who had a calm cool air about him.

     "I'm not part of your lil dark family," Delvin said, "I don't know the qualms and I don't care. It's just a shame she turned out to be such a flaming bitch, eh?" he chuckled.

     "...Literally," Cicero mumbled and sat back down.

     Delvin laughed at that. Vex grunted and put her blade away.

     Cicero took a deep breath. He wasn't sure why he'd gotten so triggered by Delvin's admiration of Astrid. Perhaps it was some sort of pent-up rage he'd not processed yet.

     "So you Lady Jade's new lapdog?"


     "Ye know, her companion. The one she drags around by the dick to get what she wants?"

     "I-..." he wasn't sure how to reply.

     "Heh, I wish she'd jerk me around by the dick..." he lifted his eyes to Cicero, "Don't worry about it, kid. You're not the first. You won't be the last neither," Delvin paused as Vekel the barkeep placed another drink in front of him, "Before you, it was some pompous Imperial mage. A brat, he was. Poor bastard was found dead in an ally a short while back. A single stab wound to the spine," he sipped his drink and smacked his lips, "If that's not a Brotherhood kill, I don't know what is."

     Cicero began to feel warm. His skin was almost crawling.

     "Wouldn't be surprised if she hired the hit, herself. Probably got tired of 'em. She goes through men like a fashion statement. Tries one on then tosses 'em out. I'm surprised she can still find anyone to chase her in these parts. Most men know teh keep their hands to 'emselves, lest they lose 'em... or their lives." Delvin continued to stare at Cicero. He could tell that something was brewing in his head, "You haven't slept with 'er yet, have yeh?"

     Cicero was feeling ill. A strange emptiness grew inside his gut. It felt like a deep hunger. His ears felt hot.

     "The boss is a nice catch, but she'll eat yeh alive. I'd run if I were you," Delvin winked and sipped his drink again.

     The Ebony Blade on Cicero's back felt like it was burning a hole through him. He trembled a little as he realized that the urge that was building inside of him wasn't just rage, but blood lust. The rationalization that he was disposable and that Jade was possibly using him made his eye twitch.

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