The Truth Found Out

Start from the beginning

He'd finally have the chance to be a father, and that made him excited... Logan would hate seeing this letter though. But wait, how did the letter get into the drawer if neither Virgil nor Logan saw it before? Logan must already know about the letter... Logan must have kept this big moment a secret from his husband. And Logan never kept big secrets.

"I... I need to talk to Logan about this."


It took until the early evening for Logan to return from work, Roman had left and hid all the decorations so Patton was downstairs with his dolls. When Virgil heard his husband's car in the drive he didn't walk towards the front door like normal, he was just frozen in place as he hugged his leg and stared at Patton. Patton just looked so naïve and happy and he didn't deserve to even think about who his parents were.

"Starlight? Are you alright?" Logan's voice chirped as he walked through the door, Patton immediately smiling at him and running over. Still, Virgil was completely out of the situation, thinking about fatherhood, absolutely shellshocked that his husband could hide something big like this from him. He thought he and his husband had complete and utter trust in each other the day they married and way beforehand. That's what their love was based on. "Virgil? Are you just a little tired?"

Logan was beside his husband and had an arm around him, gently stroking his shoulder and staying quiet. Stress was normal in their relationship and Virgil usually happily cuddled into his husband at times like this – this was different though. Too different.

"What's wrong Ver-gill?" Patton was sat Virgil's feet and looked up at the pair with wide blue eyes. F'oggie and Ka-Ka were by his side but he was more concerned with some hand-me-down Barbies given as a secret early birthday present by Roman. For a moment Virgil and Logan just stared in silence and then at each other, they didn't want to scare the toddler but Virgil really needed to talk or he might explode.

Logan picked Patton up gently and squished his cheek. "I think Virgil and I need to talk a moment buddy, can you play upstairs and maybe clean your room?" Knowing toddlers, especially Thomas, the bedroom the pair were stored in was probably a mess. After being carried to the stairs Patton looked up at the businessman again with a thumb in his mouth, about to say something that would shock the grown man to the core.

"Will you hurt him?"

"Of course not. Good people don't do that." Within a few minutes Patton was shoo'd back upstairs and that left Virgil with his husband. His husband that would lie about something as big as the almost definite possibility of keeping their foster son for the rest of their lives. He seemed oblivious to the escalating situation and guided Virgil to the sofa so they could sit and chat. "Is it one of your patients sweetheart? You know I'm always here for you..."

Virgil spoke before he even had time to think about his words. "Good people lie though..." He whispered, leaning away from Logan, keeping his arms crossed. Logan was just silent, watching Virgil confused, not even trying to refute anything. That was when Virgil revealed the crumpled up letter and threw it in Logan's direction before going into a ball himself. "Why didn't you tell me Patton's mom communicated to us? If you didn't want to for me or Patton, you could have at least helped the investigation! What is wrong with you?"

Again Logan looked too quiet for being shouted at, even as he opened the letter and read it as if he'd never seen it before. "I was scared, and you knew that Virgil. I am still scared."

Usually Virgil was quite sympathetic when Logan opened up about his feelings, but now he only gave a glare of disbelief and shook his head. "You don't need to be scared Logan. I don't know why you're so insistent on being scared anyways! It's like you're scared of committing to an actual life with me rather than me waiting for you to get home each day." This time Logan gave the look of disbelief. Therapist Virgil had been completely thrown out the window and replaced with the nervous mess Virgil was on bad days.

Logan knew he needed to contain his anger, and calm Virgil down too. Getting angry at Virgil would do nothing but hurt things. But he felt like he couldn't stop the words coming out his mouth. "We had a life before this – a pretty good one in fact. When we agreed we didn't need the perfect 'dads with children' lifestyle and I didn't have to share my grown husband with a three-year-old!"

"Wow..." Virgil crossed his arms and scoffed, rolling his eyes. The Virgil that Logan used had completely left the building. "You're really getting pissy because you have to learn to share my attention? You're so childish!"

The environment around the couple was quiet after that – in fact it was silent. Since Virgil used to be Logan's therapist, he knew a lot of vulnerabilities about the smart businessman. His past, his anxieties, his triggers. But most importantly Virgil knew that Logan hated the word 'childish', and it hurt more than anything when he was called that. Virgil just crossed a line he had never crossed before.

And he seemed to realise that when Logan took off his glasses, tried to hold his tears in with a shaky breath but he couldn't hold the cry long enough for the exhale. He covered his face and brought his knees to his chest as he cried – hiding from the world. Just like he used to do in Virgil's therapy office back in the city when the two men were struggling through their twenties. Before they found each other, and Logan could be assured that everything would be alright.

Virgil really wanted to apologise and bring his soulmate into a hug but he knew it would be a bad idea to do that now when Logan's walls were up again like they hadn't been in a while. Now Therapist Virgil was resurrected he could think about this new situation in a more logical way – Logan and Virgil had never argued quite like this before.

"I'm sorry Logan. I didn't watch my words there." No response, which was expected and valid after Virgil just did what he did. "I don't expect forgiveness straight away after that show, I can stay here with you until we're both ready to talk or I can head to my shed and you can get me when you're ready. The choice is completely up to you."

In previous less severe arguments, the couple had an unsaid code for their decisions at the end of arguments. If the upset person brought their hand closer to the person asking for forgiveness, it was signal for silence followed by talking through their thoughts in a calmer way. If they didn't do that small action, it signified the person needed a little distance. Logan stayed still and crying, so Virgil nodded. "Alright, I'll be in my shed preparing for my next session. Come join me when we can talk about this in a more mature way?"

A small nod escaped the lump that was Logan, as he sniffled having already calmed down a little. Virgil stood and walked to the garden in silence. He already knew whose session he wanted to prepare for: the nervous and scared Logan Sanders he was transported to see during that argument.

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