14 - Planning

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Lena began planning. She wanted this to be special for herself, as well as both Mark and James. She'd spoken with Lizzy too, and she was in.

Lizzy would be the youngest of them but she had a lot of experience in the bedroom from the stories she'd told. Never a threesome. Or foursome. But dalliances with both females and males.

Mark too, in University, had been intimate with a male housemate of his, nothing to intense, they'd gone down on each other. But no males since, and he was now in his mid-30's. They all were. Except Lizzy who was early 20's.

Lena and James were the two, who would need guiding through this. They'd been together since they were 21. Sure, they had their kinks but this was opening up something new for them, until now it had only been handcuffs, blindfolds, ropes and paddles. The odd outside fuck session. Tame by the standards Lena was now dreaming up.

This would be a whole new sensory experience. At any one time she could have six hands and three pairs of lips on her. Maybe, two cocks inside her or even... they'd talked about it when they were younger. Could she persuade James to do that? Maybe?

Cross that bridge when we come to it, she thought.

For now, she needed to get prepared for the big night, but also the new, fun personal experiences with Mark.

Her and Mark had their own discussions. And with James away 3 weeks in total out of the next 2 months, there would be plenty of time to explore.

The initial week James would be gone was this coming one. And she had been promised a spanking. This thought still did things to her. She could almost feel Mark's hands on her.

Mark was preparing all of this at his place but she wasn't sure what to expect. Her insides twitched. They were going to do it Sunday, once James had gone. That way, any bruising would've died down for when he was back.

Today was Friday, so not long now. And she was planning what she wanted to wear. The issue was that now her and Mark had opened the "flood gates" that it no longer mattered. She wouldn't be in it for long.

During work, it was taking all she had in her not to kiss him, touch him, take him in her mouth again. Twice this week she had to go to her car and masturbate thinking of his hands on her. One time, she sent him a clip of her cumming on the leather seats of her Audi.

What was he doing to her? He'd lit a fire in her. James had noticed a changed, but she had played it off as their plans, not her and Mark's plans. Which it ultimately was.

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