Chapter 1 (The start)

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Howdy, Howdy everyone! Yes, I made another story. And this one is very heavy OC base. This one (unlike Delta POV) will be taking place in Japan. No does not have anything that story. Those two are completely separates stories.

This at first started out a small little idea for a side story for another story I had plan, but after talking my good pal ahandley385 who help me create this story (Thanks bro) I basically made that little side things.

I also have to thank Enderman534 once again because original this was suppose to start out in America but after thinking over it and coming up with some just didn't feel right so I move it over to Japan.

There not much else to say other then, I hope you enjoy the start of this brand new story....Enjoy.


In this world, people were born with a gifted many see as unoriginal or not normal. But years have gone by, and society has grown with these powers, what we call quirks. Nowadays, most of the world's society is run by those with quirks. Quirks have given many people the ability they would have dreamt of many years ago. People can fly, summon lighting, read minds, and so much more. Who am I? I am Xavier Storm, and this is my story with many of my friends on our way to becoming heroes and rising to the top.


We see a hand reaching over and turning off the alarm. The person raises their upper body, just sleeping in a tank top. This person has short black hair, but his eyes were red-orangish color. The young man does a stretch and gets out of bed, and makes his way towards the bathroom. He turns the water on and begins his morning routine brushing his teeth and washing his face.

Xavier: "*yawn* man I really shouldn't have stayed up late last night reading."

A voice soon called out to Xavier while he was washing up.

???: "Xavier! Are you up!! Breakfast is done!!!"

Xavier: "I'm up Mom! I'll be down soon!!"

Xavier soon finishes watching up and makes his way downstairs to the kitchen, where he sees his mom, who was 5'8 with long brown hair and brown eyes, dressed in her office worker uniform.

Mom: "Jeez, what took you so long...let me guess you were up late last night reading about quirks again weren't you?"

Xavier: "I plead the fifth."

Mom: "Still guilty."

Xavier: "Crap baskets."

They both chuckled and sat and ate their breakfast. The two watch turn to watch the TV and see the news talking about a new hero making their debate. One of these heroes was the new hero Mt.Lady. The moment the mom looks away from the Tv, finishing eating her toast, she looks up at her son Xavier eating but also writing in a notebook next to him.

Mom: "I...I...ugh...I really need to solve how you keep having these notebooks pop out of nowhere."

Xavier: "I always have one near me."

Mom: "And I swear it wasn't for the fact I know your quirk, people believe you put a notebook out your ass."

Xavier: "Swear jar."

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