Mafia's Angel. 20

Start from the beginning

Tae tapped somewhere under their seats and a secret drawer opened up to reveal magazines and parts of guns and revolvers.

He saw as Mew quickly picked the parts and assembled 2 guns and 3 revolvers in no time. While Tae did the same. He was proud of his baby boy.

They reached their Unit 2 in no time. Tae was in rage. Someone had the guts to intrude in his place and destroy it. But whoever thought about this stupid idea was a noob.

His men had taken position  and soon they took charge. Mew looked around as he was covering a floor other than Tae's.

"Throw your weapons or i will kill you". He rounded a corner and was held by some man from the enemies ofcourse.

Mew didnt struggle a bit and threw the revolver on the floor. Not that he was scared of the dagger pressed at his neck. He was waiting foe his next move. Either he would call his hidden people or call for Tae.

He kept his hands above and bit his lip not to smile at the stupidity of the man who was leading him to the main hall of the unit. But yes, as expected the man did call more than 5 people to cover him.

Seems like they were the last left. 


"Tae Darvid throw your armors and surrender. Or else we will end the life of your precious boy". Tae heard it all loud and clear, a floor down.

He grit his teeth in annoyance. Not because he didnt trust the capabilities of Mew but that someone dare to touch Mew.

He signalled his men and walked to the main hall where he saw one man had held Mew with a dagger, tied to a chair, and other were sitting like they fucking own the place.

Tae clucked his tongue. He looked at Mew and he knew what Mew had planned.

"See the mighty Mafia King is so helpless". One of the men mocked Tae. "What will you offer us to spare the life of this boy". He asked Tae.

Mew saw Tae in his eyes before Tae turned to face the one who set the deal.

"What should i offer hmmm? My shares? My companies? My production units"? He was counting and he could clearly see them getting excited. Just stray dogs, trapped for bones.

"Or Nohing". Tae said in a stern tone and before they could even react on the turn of events, they were caught.

Mew chuckled in sarcast looking at the men now struggling for their life.

"Look here dumbos. I may be important to him, but do you think i am that worthy to hand over his companies or shares to you? Stupids. Next time do your homework properly.. Oh. Sorry. There would be no next time". Mew said from a soft to a dark tone before he shot all 5 men, except 1.

"Shitttt. See. You tore my favorite tee shirt. It was a gift you idiot. From Paris. Limited edition". Mew was stomping his feet, throwing arms as a child throwing tantrum.

But.... They all saw how his careless moving arms had slit his throat efficiently before wiping down his dagger.

"Thats my boy. My brave boy". Tae patted his shoulder in proud. They looked around to see the bodies scattered here and there.

"Clear it all. And find the culprit". He ordered his men and lead his way out followed by Tul and Max.

"Why didnt you fight him Bub"? Tae asked Mew as they settled in the car. Since Derek was busy in dealing with bodies, they took Tae's car..

"I thought Phi, but then i didnt know if he had more people with him or not. So i waited for him to lay out his cards" . Mew explained calmly.

"And what if he had hurt you"? Tae was concerned.

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