Mafia's Angel. 19

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Mafia's Angel 19.

They were silent through the drive. Almost 30 minutes away, ended in a garage. Mew looked at Tae with questioning gaze and he simply nodded his head for him to follow.

They entered the garage that was equipped with engine parts for car or motorbike handling. He saw mechanics working on different cars, nodded at Tae and back to work.

Tae didnt pay any attention, instead he walked into a little office at the back. Minimal arranged with just a table and a sofa set.

Mew saw Harry shifted one of the chairs in the other corner of the office and one-third of the floor slid away without a single sound.

Tae held Mew's hand as they climbed down a flight of stairs, ended up in a big hall. Vaccant except a chair, occupied by a tied but conscious girl, a trolly beside it with different surgical instruments and Tae's men scattered around.

"I had planned it all. To train you once you get free of your studies. I didnt want to stain your beautiful hands with blood at this stage. But its the demand of the time now.

I want you to get your hands on every tool, under my best team. For today, you will only observe how we deal with our enemies, those who stab us. But there is no turning back. Are you ready Mew"? Tae asked holding his shoulders.

Mew looked around, at the girl who was looking at him with hatered and mock. He turned to see Derek, who nodded his head subtly. He turned to meet Tae's gaze.

"I am ready Master". Mew said with a determination and a strong voice. Tae nodded before turning to the trolly  beside the girl.

He picked a pair of pliers with pointed edges.

"I know you are not scared with these things. You shouldnt be. After all you rule a teeny tiny gang. But love, it isnt for your beautiful nails, well it will come eventually, but for the beginners, lets start with this pretty face of yours. Hmmm"? Tae was saying like a kid enjoying a play.

Mew felt a shiver pass down his body. He saw a man, ruthless man, as he once told him. A cold hearted Mafia King. He was deaf and dumb to the screams of the girl who was helplessly trying to pull herself away from the tools that were making tattoos on her skin. 

Mew was scared. He had seen all this before but the difference, it was him being punished. Belts, whips, scratches. Burns. He was holding up to every piece of strength he had to wait for Tae to end it all.

It took like an eternity when Tae ended her. Not killed her but Tae made sure that no one would recognize her, not even her gang..

He washed his hands in a corner and turned to Mew who smiled at him. Tae noticed him slightly disoriented. He raised his eyebrow coming to him and only then he noticed the fear behind those composed expressions.

He held his hands, kissed his temple and took him out. It was time to go home.

"Baby the world we are living in, is not fantasy. It gives you power, money, everything. But we have to pay for it. With life, with relations, with blood. Its a blood bath when we say.

I didnt lie when i told you that day, my hands are stained with blood baby. I dont even remember how many times i stood under the water and it all turned red, flowing down into the drain. It is who i am. It is who you will become. It is the life we will live". Tae said pouring warm water on his shoulder, sitting in the tub filled with warm water.

Mew was silent the whole ride. Tae understood it all. He took him to the bathroom, and settled inside the tub filled with bath bomb and refreshing oils. 

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