"No, Simon," Jasper sighed. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Okay man," he told him. "I was just wonderin' if you wanna come over and paaartaay anyway! Might be fun with you around!"


"Come ooon, man!" Simon begged. "I haven't ssseen you in ages-!"

"You saw me last week, at your last party."

"Pssssh! That doesn't count!" his friend argued. "It's Saturday night babay! You telling me your jus' gonna read those porn books all night jerkin' in bed?"

Jasper and Simon were rather close. He was the only one from his childhood that he still talked to. As much as he liked messing with him, Simon was the closest friend he had. Jasper grinned thinking about his request. It would be such a boring night if he didn't end it off doing something at least. And the man hosted the best parties.

"I'm on my way," he told him, hanging up before Simon could say anything else. Having something to do might be easier than simply laying in bed staring at the ceiling. That only led to overthinking and a lack of sleep. Jasper quickly threw something on and grabbed his keys. The way to Simon's house wasn't too far. The frat boy lived in a large house that was close to the size of a mansion, but too small to officially get that title. His parties always entertained him when he had nothing else to do.

The drive there went through downtown, right past the stores Jasper saw all the time. The one that seemed to catch his eye the most was Insomniac Café. He wondered if he would see him again at that coffee shop. There was no way that he was going to leave that laptop alone again, that was for sure. Those stories that he wrote still swam in his thoughts, even though he was trying to not think about any of this. They tempted him more than ever. That was why he had wanted the man so bad. And the more he tried to delete those thoughts, the more frequent they became. It was a virus, and Jasper was still trying to destroy it.

How could someone write these scenes out so well and have no experience with them? Damien looked like Jasper was a crazed buffoon when he toyed and flirted with him. He would have thought that it was rather obvious why he brought him to his house, but the blond was still surprised by it all. Jasper didn't understand it. He would have thought that he had at least fucked once or twice. Now that he hadn't done so at all, it raised some questions that he was dying to ask him.

How was he able to capture these moments so well? The words came well for the blond that wrote his way into his thoughts. If it were any other situation, he would have forgotten him in a heartbeat and move onto someone who was easier to get. Jasper was sure he could easily find someone at the party.

He still wanted to know more about that unfinished story. The one that he had read first, with the scrawny man who always came back to the mafia leader no matter what he did to him. It was brutal, and steamy, but, most specifically, he was curious about it. He wanted to know why the main character always came back to him. Near the end of it, not even the mafia boss knew why he came back. Damien had left the story on a cliffhanger, right when he was going to ask him. The main character was a silent type. He rarely talked at all throughout the story.

Jasper wanted to know more. His mind and body were buzzing to figure out what happened next, his heart racing as he visualized those scenes vividly. Which was shocking considering he was still driving through traffic. It was so easy to get lost in those scenes no matter where he was with how that writing style was. Damien's writing was so simple, yet precise. It was easy to picture the scene in your head by looking at those words on a screen.

Jasper parked on the side of the street a bit aways from the location and started walking. Simon's house parties were always so packed they filled the neighborhood streets. He was lucky that he lived near downtown, or else all the neighbors would be complaining about the noise. His street was considered the party street. Thankfully, it didn't take long for him to get to the house, and as soon as he did, he was recognized.

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