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The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly through my glass door and into my bakery's wooden floor.

Even though I sat tucked away from the sun rays, I was still covered in sweat.

"It's so hot!" I complained to myself as I used my left hand as a hand fan to get relief from the burning heat.

As my eyes wandered around the empty bakery, I felt a stinging pain in my chest.

Suddenly the door opened causing the bell to jingle. I was already prepared to welcome whoever it was with a grin but I froze when I noticed it was my landlord.

"Slow business day innit?" The short pot bellied old man snarled in a British accent.

"Mr Jones!" I chanted with a smile as I got myself back. "Might I interest you in freshly baked cookies? Or would you rather try our loaf of bread?" I gestured to the show glass.

"My daughter loves your cookies." He said in a monotone.

"Oh? Then I'll give her extra." I smiled as I went down to pick a batch of cookies into a packaging bag.

"Why do you bother showing up everyday? You haven't even made proper sales in about six months!" He complained.

I frowned, "I know Mr Jones." I told him. "I want to keep trying." I handed him the pack.

"Thank you," He muttered in a thick English accent. "I stopped by to give you this," He brought out a white envelope which was in his pocket.

"What is that?" I questioned him as I took the envelope.

"It's a notice." He answered and I could feel my heart racing.

"What notice?" I feigned ignorance.

"I think I've being lenient enough. You owe me a years worth of rent and I can't keep loosing money by having you here." He sighed and placed his hands on his waist.

"You're kicking me out?!" I raised my voice.

Suddenly the burning heat wasn't my biggest problem anymore.

"I'm not kicking you out Rochelle, it's just a notice to pay up before next month otherwise I will have no other option but to kick you out." He explained with a serious expression.

"How am I supposed to arrange such a huge amount of money by next month? I barely make enough to eat." I explained to him, my eyes welling up.

"It's business Rochelle, no hard feelings." He frowned. "Thank you for the cookies and I'll see you next month." He waved as he exited my bakery.

How could he give me a notice when I give him free baked goods everyday?!

I went behind the counter and buried my face in my palms while trying to fight my tears but it all seemed so futile. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears ran down my cheeks.

What am I going to do? How am I supposed to help Hazel with her school and take care of the bills?

I heard the bell jingle once again and I raised up my head but due to my tears my vision had become quite blurry. After a few blinks I was was able to see clearly.

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