Chapter 13:The Search for the Unknown Intruder.

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Akira stealthily scout the wooden area of the academy ground. Using her concealing ability and the fog she managed to cover the area.

"That person knows how to erase his or her track to avoid being traced." She muttered as she continues her pursuit.

Calandra was also scouting the area when she notice the butterflies again.

"This is not normal! I already noticed those butterflies everywhere we go." She muttered.

Sylviss cast a powerful gust of wind and the butterflies scattered everywhere.

"Darn!! I guess she already noticed my surveillance ." Georgina groans when her surveillance was disrupted. "I have to do something."

Morphine appears beside her. She held out her hand and different kind of insects came out from it.

"Are you asking me to change my surveillance cameras?" Georgina asked as she watches the insects scattered across the academy.

Morphine nodded her head and she pointed the mirrors that Georgina use.

The whole academy is now under surveillance. Georgina continues her surveillance she must find out what the other maidens were up to.

"Georgina went out again." Alice muttered as she watches kuro and shiro flying around her. "I think my brother is busy for the school festival for sure he will forget the special occasion that we need to celebrate together."

She keeps on glancing at the wall clock its almost past 7:30 the curfew time is 9:00 pm they still have 1 1/2 hour to celebrate that occasion.


Sebastian visited Paloma in her dorm and he asked her if she can join him in a evening stroll across the academy.

"Sure why not! I haven't see nor check this academy,most of the time I stayed at my dormitory or visit Nurse Joy for my check up. I already insisted that Im ok but she still need some examination to do." She exclaimed.

They walks towards the rose garden of the academy.

"This is one of the most beautiful place here in this academy. Do you see that crimson red rose? That is the symbol of this Academy the Blood Rose." Sebastian exclaimed as he pointed a large blood red rose in the middle of the garden.

She stares at it in awe. And out of nowhere Alice appears.

Tears trickles down her cheeks and anger is visible on her face.

"A-Alice?" She stammer in suprise.

Sebastian quickly run to comfort his sister.

"Alice why are you crying!?" He asked in worried tone.

But Alice pushes him away angrily.

"I had waited for hours for you!" Alice shouted angrily . "I had waited for you and I will find out that you are here with her!"

Paloma felt a stab of guilt.

"Alice look I didn't know that you're waiting for your brother. I'm really sorry." She apologized she tried to approach Alice.

"Since you came here my brother keeps on sticking with you!" Alice shouted angrily.

Sebastian stands between them and he tries put the conflict to halt.

"Alice stop it! I was the one who insisted to go here!" Sebastian exclaimed as he tried to calm his sister.

"If You only died during that ship wreck! My brother will not follow you around like this! You deserve to di-"

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