Entry 2

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And that's how I ended up going with her to school.

More precisely, a coincidence.

The school was then running as usual. The homeroom teacher explained a few things, and the class was dismissed at lunchtime.

I walked to the vending machine, carrying onigiri in hand, then looked for a comfortable place to sit.

While eating, I remember what happened in the morning, when I went to school with her.

I reluctantly let her under the same umbrella. The umbrella was big enough, if we were close to each other, the two of us shouldn't get too wet from the rain.

But rather than that, I realized the discomfort Shiina showed, being close to a boy she just met, moreover sharing the same umbrella. So I shifted his umbrella a little to the side so that there would be more space between us, of course, it exposed my shoulder to the rain. Never mind, thought this was a consequence of my sharp tongue earlier.

Shiina who realized my intention felt more relaxed. She sympathized, but of course, she couldn't do anything at this point.

Neither of us spoke, it wasn't that they were both arrogant, it was just that the atmosphere was awkward.

5 minutes? 10 minutes? I don't know, but I guess, school is close. Even so, I can't stand this atmosphere anymore.

But just as I was about to speak, she opened her mouth.

"I'm sorry to bother you."

"No problem, it's not too much trouble."

And my left shoulder is wet from the rain.

"It doesn't look like it."

"Is that true?"

"You can refuse to share the same umbrella with me. But I understand how men think. It's not easy to leave a girl alone in the rain."

Wow, this girl is so blunt.

What do you mean, I helped you because I expected something from you? Or do you value your appearance highly and judge it to be a special attraction to the opposite sex? But I can't see the arrogance in her words. More to make sure of something. This girl is trying to judge what kind of person I am.

"You are my classmate, that is a liaison status, and the basis of my actions. If I didn't know you when we introduced ourselves in class, I probably wouldn't have cared."

"So, since we're classmates?"


We passed the konbini, sadly it wasn't open yet. That's weird, aren't they usually open 24 hours?

Shiina turned to the side and looked sad. She certainly wanted to stop by for a bit and buy an umbrella. If she didn't go with me, she might choose to use a plastic bag and run through the rain.

After walking quite a distance, Shiina asked again.

"So if there's a kid who gets lost and alone in the pouring rain, you're just going to let him go?"

"That possibility might happen. I will choose the most reasonable solution. Call 110 and tell them to see the kid, then I can go take care of my own business."

"I don't know if you're trying to sound cold, or if it's an honest act on your part."

Even though we chatted with each other, neither of us looked each other in the eye. The distance between the two of them might be getting further if you pay attention.

"It's up to you to believe it or not. By the way, do you usually leave so early?"

News on the weather forecast is scheduled for 6 am. She must have left 20 minutes in between. Homeroom starts at 7.30

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