Entry 13

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The next weak, I went to school earlier than usual.

I changed shoes in the locker and checked something. Then I went to the classroom.

Some students had come earlier than me. The class was still relatively quiet, although many students hadn't arrived yet, it didn't mean it wouldn't be crowded at all.

This is just my feeling, or the past two days it feels really noisy in class. I thought about being able to sleep while waiting for the homeroom to start, but that wish couldn't come true.

A group of girls were chatting near my desk. I put the bag beside the chair and sat down. Their conversation can be heard here.

"Juuri, you said you bought that Pique roomwear. About how much was it?"

"Umm, it was on sale, so it was more or less the same as Nanago I think."

"Ohh, must've been nice. Maybe I'll buy one."

They seemed to be talking about branding clothes or something.

For outgoing types of girls like them, the topic seems to be a trend among girls. They tend to pay attention to the clothes they wear. They spend their time on things like that. Either they are trying to impress the opposite sex or just for self-gratification.

"Looks like Shiina hasn't come yet," Kitaoka said while looking at Shiina's table

"You haven't heard the rumors about her?" One of the girls spoke while showing her phone screen.


They showed the same surprised reaction. Curious, I also opened my phone, and saw a hot topic on the website.

[Today I went home through the station. I had never seen this guy walk home this way before. However, I was shocked to find out that he was following someone! That's so creepy~]

[Lol, who is he following?]

[That's..... Shiina-san!]

[OMG! Shiina-san is in danger]

[Isn't Shiina-san missing her sweatpants right now?]

[Could it be, that guy was the culprit?]

I pressed the picture that was sent there. The picture shows the road I usually take on my way home. There were a few passersby, but the highlight was the back of an unknown student who seemed to be following Shiina from behind. It don't look clear from the screen, but it seems like this mysterious guy is wearing the club jacket from our school.

It's like that time, I happened to also see this guy.

"Isn't she in danger?"

I can't disagree with Juuri, stalking is a serious crime. For Japanese people who respect the privacy of each individual, this can get strict action.

But I doubt it will involve the police, the culprit is still high school students. If they get caught, the most severe sanctions are stern warnings from the principal and the guidance class for him on Sundays.

"It could be that this guy just happens to have his house on the same way home as Shiina, right?"

"So, so, so! After all, how did they know that Shiina was being followed by him? Did they ask him directly, lol"

But, what if the man in this picture was actually following Shiina on her way home from school? Or maybe he was the one who stole Shiina's gym uniform?

"Ah, people had also made a rumor that Shiina was being followed by an unknown person lately."

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