Entry 10

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Monday, a month after.

I was standing on the bulletin board near the entrance of the first-year building. The students after changing shoes in the lockers immediately ran in groups and gathered in the same place.

Some are intrigued by the results, desperate to have their name in the top 50, some don't care or may already know their own results. I looked at the various students in front of me at this time.

Those who become model students, those who don't care about studying, muscle maniacs, the playboys who are surrounded by cute girls, and the loners of the class.

The list of midterms ranking shown can be a determinant of their fate in this school. A student's academic ability is an important thing, to a certain extent, it can determine their fate. In this case, the model student group will be the center of attention.

They can get a chance to strengthen their position. For example, Yukimura, who was in the top five in the first year's overall rankings, would stand out in class. During the three months of starting school, people's image of him was that of a geek who often played with looners in the back of the classroom. Now, he might be able to open a vast communication network with classmates.

Scenarios like classmates who come asking for help in studying can occur. A student he doesn't know, a student who is bad at studying, or maybe the cute girl in class. Various possibilities unfold before the eyes. Imagining such a scenario has become a routine for my brain.

I call this mechanism, "Placikouji Thinking"

Sounds weird, but isn't that cool?

Well, I'm not the one who gave this strange name after all.

Rather than that, it seemed like everyone's attention was starting to turn to one person now.

She stood among the crowd of students. With her blonde hair as her trademark, long stockings down to the skirt, beautiful caramel-colored eyes, and a pretty face with milky white smooth skin.

The angel.

I pray that the Gods of Olympus will always bless her with all the majesty of the world. It's really unfair for a human being to have such outstanding beauty.

She looked at the ranking on the bulletin, then nodded slowly as if satisfied with the result, she left the scene with a few girls from my class.

The moment only lasted for a moment, but she made a huge impact on everyone.

"So, that's Shiina Hiyori."

"Damn, she is so pretty."

"She's in class D, right? We're in class J in a different building. Ahhh it sucks, I can't see her every day because our classes are different."

The first-year building is divided into two parts, which are connected by a hallway on the second floor. Classes A through E are in the east building, while the rest up to J are in the west building.

Now that her whereabouts were known to everyone in the first year, it wasn't long before Shiina would definitely be famous throughout the school.

"Hakase, what about your results?" I ask

"I can't find my name in the rankings!"

"That's weird, aren't you good at classical literature and history?"

The three of us went to see the midterm results on the first floor.

"My father will be mad at me for sure."

"Hey, it's only the first semester. There's still a long way to go for you."

Leaving aside the odd Hakase dialect. What Kikuchi said was true, it's only been a few months since you entered high school, and there are still two long years waiting for you. You can improve your grade later.

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