Chapter 4

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Din Djarin saw devastation around him. Buildings destroyed, bodies strewn across the ground. He stumbled and looked down to see a Mandalorian helmet. He froze, terror shivering up his whole body.

Smoke flowed across the landscape. He knew he was looking for someone but he couldn't remember who he was looking for. But...he knew they were important for...something.

The Mandalorian made his way through the landscape, which he realized somehow was Mandalor. He felt something heavy in his hands in realized it was the Dark Saber. His chest tightened as he ignited, his senses on edge.

As he traipsed through the war zone he heard the sounds of lightsabers igniting and then he remembered.


He ran, his palms sweating, terror shooting through him. He approached the battlefield and fog dispersed from it revealing a large being with metallic armor that shimmered against the bleak landscape.

Din Djarin froze; the being had Ahsoka in its grasp, it's hand around her throat lifting her into the air. The Mandalorian was about to rush the alien when-

Din Djarin gasped awake, sweat beading his forehead, the sun not out yet. He sighed, letting all the oxygen escape his lungs. He was alone in the room the inn next to the Cantina had provided with a little bribing.

He sat up swung his legs over the side of his bed and sighed, not sure what to do. Are we doing the right thing? The Mandalorian wondered.  He glanced at his Mandalorian helmet on the nightstand.

He sighed and got dressed, putting his helmet on last. Groaning slightly he eased out of bed and grabbing the Dark Saber from its hidden spot, he headed downstairs into the Cantina. Since it wasn't even morning yet no one was around, leaving the Cantina in a ghostly ambience.

Din Djarin exited, seeing some activity among the Mandalorian rebels either talking in hushed tones or working on armor. A shiver went down his spine remembering his very vivid dream of all the dead Mandalorians on the ground.

He couldn't shake the bad feeling of dread that had washed over him. Maybe I should get some training in. He thought and went to search for Sabine.

Din Djarin cautiously asked around if anyone had seen Sabine yet but most said they didn't think she was awake. So much for training. He thought and then he spotted Ahsoka meditating on an outcrop of rocks, no one daring to disturb her.

Not yet anyway. He headed over to her and cursed himself mentally as his foot dislodged a pebble. "I could here you breathing from a mile away, Mando." She said, her back still to him. He sighed, giving up on trying to surprise a Grey Jedi.

She finally looked over her shoulder at him. He felt as though she could sense his worry and he sat down to join her. There was a silence between them, neither of them sure what to say...again.

"Nightmares?" Ahsoka asked after a minute or two. Din Djarin nodded than forgot he had his helmet on. "Yes." He replied. Ahsoka glanced at the groups below the over hang of rock then to Din Djarins hand.

She laced her fingers through his, sending shivers up The Mandalorians body, not used to the feeling of intimate touch.

"I don't think we should act as a couple around everyone else." Ahsoka advised, leaning closer to Din Djarin subtly. The Mandalorian nodded again, then corrected himself. "I agree". He said in a hushed tone.

They discussed plans in hushed whispers trying not to make it obvious that they loved each other. Din Djarin especially had a hard time, not having had this feeling before. He assumed Ahsoka hadn't either and that was why she kept her fingers laced through his.

"Hey! Mando!" Bo Katan shouted interrupting the two and causing Ahsoka and Din Djarin to jerk away from each other and stand up as if nothing happened.

We'll talk later. Ahsoka said in his mind and he made a slight nod. "I need to talk to you for a minute." She said, her eyebrows scrunched. She eyes Ahsoka skeptically wondering what was going on between the two of them.

"Of course." The Mandalorian said, sighing inwardly missing an opportunity to talk more to Ahsoka.

He followed Bo Katan wondering what she wanted. She glanced up at Ahsoka once they walked away from the hill her eyebrow still arched, but dismissed their whisperings from earlier.

His fellow Mandalorian heaved a big sigh as if not sure how to begin, clasping her hands in front of her. Bo Katan heaved a sigh as if she wasn't sure how to put to words what she wanted to say.

"I've been meaning to discuss this with you for a while now," she said pausing and looking Din Djarin in the eye. The Mandalorian tilted his head in questioning even though she couldn't seen is expression.

"I challenge you to a duel for the Dark Saber." She finally said.


The Bounty hunter landed on the distant planet of Nog on the outskirts of a town he new his target to be in. Luckily he wasn't in any hurry, but he figured he'd get as close to the town as possible.

But not enough to draw any attention to him. And that was just what he needed.

Retaking Mandalor Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora