Chapter 2

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"Guess you wanted to start the party without me, huh?" She asked as everyone stared at her now. Three Mandalorians in one cantina.

"What's going here?" The bearded man asked, nursing his wound from his and Din Dijarins fight. Bo Katan crossed her arms and marched forward, making people jump out of the way and avoid the third Mandalorian in the room.

"I have a proposition to make!" Bo Katan announced drawing everyone's attention. Din Dijarin gave her a look even though she couldn't see through his mask.

The cantina grew quiet, either out of interest or fear, The Mandalorian couldn't tell. "Now that the Dark Saber has been returned to us," Bo Katan said, pausing for effect. "We are planning to take back what was lost from us." She said being dramatic.

"We are taking back Mandalor!" She concluded raising her fist in the air. The people in the bar didn't react much. No one clapped or whooped excitedly. Din couldn't blame them though. From what the bar keeper had said, these people seemed to be on their last stretches of hope.

The bar keep himself turned his gaze as if embarrassed for Bo Katan who stood there for several seconds before lowering her hand down. The bearded man who'd cause the disturbance glanced at the three Mandalorians and the one hooded woman.

"You're taking back the planet?" He said breaking the quiet of the bar. Bo Katan nodded. "Yes. We need all the help we can muster. I may not be the ruler of Mandalor but I have what it takes to bring our planet back." She said confidently.

The man crossed his arms. "I'm in." He said revealing the Mandalorian symbol on his sleeve which Din Dijarin had already seen.

Bo Katan smiled. "Thank you for being our first recruit."


Din Djarin sighed as the group sat in the gangplank of his ship. Bo Katan was talking to the bearded man who's name was Suji Roan of the Wren Clan of Mandalorians. Sabine had her arms crossed and eyed the man skeptically.

Since her imprisonment, she'd begun to heal after they'd helped her escape. And her personality was becoming to come back fully.

Din Djarin wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. "I've never heard of this man before." Sabine commented. Ahsoka, who'd been rather quiet the entire time finally spoke up. "Maybe he's from another part of clan Wren?" She said, even though it sounded like a question.

Bo Katan rejoined the group, Suji Roan hovering a few feet away from them. The fellow Mandalorian had a huge grin on her face.

"We have our first recruit!" She said, beaming. The trio glanced at each other. "You sure you want this guy, Katan? He seems a bit rough around the edges." Sabine said, her arms still crossed.

She shrugged. "Why not? I say the more the merrier. Plus we need more muscle like him."Bo Katan said, then glanced at Din Djarin.

"No offense." She said, raising her hand up. Din Djarin shrugged back at her. "None taken." He replied. He didn't fully trust this Roan man though. He seemed to good to be true for their first day on Nog.

How is it possible that some random Mandalorian would be here the day we arrive on Nog? He thought skeptical as he eyed the man.

Suji Roan approached the group cautiously. "If I may have word?" He said and the group glanced at him for a second before Bo Katan nodded.

"I'd like to apologize for earlier. I could send out a message to other Mandalorians to let them know you're here on Nog." He said, his posture apologetic.

The Mandalorian looked to Ahsoka, Sabine and Bo Katan. They nodded in response. "Of
Course. Ahsoka can get you set up in my ship. Just don't touch anything." He said adding a little hostility to his voice as a warning.

Roan nodded. "I also know a Mandalorian Blacksmith from Corescaunt. I could contact her if you wish." He replied. Din Djarin raised an eyebrow at that; they'd just escaped from the only rebellion sector on Corescaunt. He'd never heard of any Mandalorians there.

Ahsoka and him exchanged looks. "Corescaunt is an Empire planet. How do you know that?" He asked. Roan crossed his arms.

"I contact the 1313 sector once and a while to see who's out there." He said. Then Ahsoka and Sabine told Roan of the jail brake from there and how they'd arrived here.

The Mandalorian watched them go into the ship the two women thankfully on there guard. Bo Katan joined his side and they looked at their home planet, which looked like a moon from Nog.

"What do you think is waiting for us out there?" She asked. Din Djarin shrugged. "We'll find out soon enough." He said.


Moff Gideon strode towards an abandoned cantina on the outskirts of the city. It hadn't been used in years. Since Empire had taken over most of the planet had left, leaving Mandalore abandoned .

Gideon smirked. Since his escape from that Mandalorians goon squad, he'd been offered the position of taking charge of Mandalore. But now he had another task that made him more excited that's being in charge of an empty rock.

Killing the Mando that took the Dark Saber from him.
And he new just the Bounty  Hunter to do the job.

Din Djarin sat on the gangplank of the RazorCrest, overlooking Mandalor in the distance. He couldn't sleep. Since the prison escape to rescue Sabine he'd been having nightmares. The strange thing was, the escape hadn't even been one of the worst places he'd ever been to.

He felt a presence behind him and turned to see Ahsoka standing behind him. "Can't sleep?" He asked. Ahsoka nodded. "Nightmares." She replied.

Din Djarin nodded in understanding. "May I?" She asked gesturing to the empty spot next to him. The Mandalorian felt odd feelings in his chest but shoved them down, his feeelings towards Ahsoka still confused.

He gestured with his hand. Ahsoka sat beside him cautiously as if unsure how to react towards him. There was an awkward silence. Din Djarin not sure what to say, his nerves on edge. Why do I feel this way around her? He wondered.

"I dreamt about this duel I had with my master." She sai. Din Djarin glanced at her as she began her tale.

"In reality I lost the duel but in my dreams..." she paused as if she struggled to continue. "In my dreams he...stabs me with his light saber and I wake up." She said her eyes distant.

They were silent again. I'm not good at this. Din Djarin thought a bit uncomfortable. "Sorry." He muttered not sure what to say. Ahsoka chuckled.

"It's alright." She said. The Mandalorian felt her eyes on him. "So, about back at 1313..." Ahsoka began. He tensed, knowing what she was talking about.

The kiss.

"What about-."

"Hey, Mando! We got another hit!" Bo Katan called from his ship. She didn't notice the tension between the two of them. Ahsoka nodded in the direction of Bo Katan and The Mandalorian joined Katan and Roan in his ship, leaving words unsaid.

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