Trans and Identity Illusions are Linked?

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* Sensitive topics discussed. If you're hot on your feet already from the headline, DO NOT read.

Trans used to be known for only one thing: Changing your gender. Now it's hand-in-hand with surgically changing sex.

But trans racial? Draw the line, folks. Please. It's not only offensive, it's ridiculous. People will cancel black face and Asian fishing, but not this? It's the same thing!

I might receive huge backlash for this but to genuinely feel like you are a different race, ethnicity, or gender/ a mental delusion.

Now you might ask "Are you really comparing becoming transgender and transracial to a mental crack up?"

Yes, and no.

Take anorexia, for example:

People with this eating disorder typically and genuinely feel like they are overweight, or "fat", so they starve themselves in order to bring themselves satisfaction - but it almost never does, and even makes them feel more worse than how they started, physically damaging health and their train of thought.

"Well duh, Dawn, but how is wanting to be a different gender or a different race an eating disorder?"

Wanting to be a certain way is not a mental disorder.

We want to be rich.

We want those sharp shoes.

We want to wash our face to look more presentable.

Wanting to be a different gender is fine if you're doing it for the aesthetic, or controversially, even the benefits.

* I'm not excusing transracial though.

Feeling the need to change your natural traits to serve the conflict in your mind, is a mental health issue.


I might want to a bird, but to feel like I am truly a bird to the point it wakes me from my sleep, is a problem. I cannot change into a bird. I am human.

Where comparing it to anorexia comes into play is the fact that this, transracial, and transgender all deal with this exact scenario in order:

1. You look into the mirror.

2. You're naturally one way.

3. You unrealistically see another.


Anorexia: being 90 pounds (natural), but looking into the mirror and sighing discontentedly because you feel like you're 300 lbs (unrealistic), then having the burning desire to change that by cutting off your intake of food

Transracial: being a white European (natural) but feeling Korean because your eyes are more wide (unrealistic), so you go get surgery to enhance those features while stereotypically changing other aspects of your appearance to fit their culture // or darkening your skin because you truly feel like you're black and know the struggle bus

* You know damn well once you get pulled over by a cop you're going to rip off that tan faster than light and draw the "I'm actually white" card

Transgender: being born scientifically as a male (natural) but feeling like you're seriously a female despite the part between your legs (unrealistic) therefore going to the doctor and asking to have your body changed

I do blame the people who love this world, and not the individuals who make these decisions. They have pushed the notion that we can be whoever we are without consequences when that's the biggest lie of this earth.


Gender is technically different than sex, but I used the word transgender as a means of people wanting to change their sex (female, male), because most people who change their gender nowadays are now changing their sex parts as well.

This is not aimed towards people who choose to be transgender just for the sake of wanting to.

This is for the people who genuinely feel like they belong in another body, when in actuality they are just fine the way they are.

And I love you, no matter who you are or what you do, but keep this in mind before you decide to take on big transitions: discomfort doesn't last forever.

Learn to love yourself the way you are! That is the biggest flex and strength in this weak world today. When you're satisfied with yourself, nobody can tell you anything, and you are 100% more likely to live a joyful, stress-free life.

Regret is the heaviest drug there is, so do not do something you won't be happy about ten years later.

Because one thing is for certain, that many people who transition will not tell you, is that when you surgically change your appearance, your body will always remind you that you are not in charge, and aim to revert back to who you truly are as a race and sex. It's mentally draining and physically tolling.

For the changing-ethnicity people, honest Samaritans will never fail to remind you what ethnicity you truly are. Don't set yourself up to be clowned. Always make choices with the future consequences already in mind.


All that being said, do not make fun of anyone anorexic, transgender/sexual, or even someone transracial.

There's a bigger issue, so speak kindly to those people. Give them hugs. Let them know you hear them, but also offer that there's perhaps a better alternative that could satisfy the best of both worlds without starvation, negative self-esteem, unnatural wants and surgery.

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